I need help from God

I need help from God

Posted on June 22, 2012 Updated on June 21, 2012

Psalm 23: 1

I will lift up my mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help?

Almost every person needs a form of help or assistance or the other at any given time. Whether poor or rich, old or young, schooling or working, believing or unbelieving. The area we need help may simply vary from one person or the other.

No matter how Rich or Comfortable you are, you still need help for a particular thing. “The Rich also cry” is a popular maxim. The only unfortunate development, however, is that most times we seek for help from satanic sources, through initiation to occultic societies, witchcraft, new age movements, and reliance on demonic materials like charms and amulets.

David, as shown in the passage quoted recognized God as the only true source of help, and when he was in distress, being pursued by King Saul, he cried to God Almighty for help, and he was eventually rescued. At times, we may not need to cry to God before help comes.

In the past, God had used me to render some form of assistance to three persons who I never knew were in need of help. The first two cases involved individuals who were desperately looking for funds to pay the school fees of their children who had been sent out of school; while the third case involved somebody anxiously looking for funds to embark on a journey.

On one of the occasions, I asked the Holy Spirit why He wanted me to render a help, in spite of the fact that the person involved had not personally approached me for help, the respond I clearly heard from God was that: ‘If you ways are right before me, I will command people to help you”

Let us go back to the Biblical story of David. As long as David walked with God, and kept his commandments, he received favour from men and divine help to overcome all the battles of life including twenty one assassination attempts on his life by King Saul. See 1 Samuel 18 vs. 11.

But immediately David committed adultery with Bathesheba- another man’s wife, and murdered Uriah – her husband in order to cover up the act, the Bible states “the thing that David had done displeased the Lord” –2 Samuel 11:27. Calamities, woes, failures, defeats, and deaths were the resultant effect.

Prophet Jonah is another personality that typifies the troubles that come with disobedience to God’s words, and the divine help that accompanies obedience. Jonah initially refused to heed a divine instruction to embark on evangelism.

He paid dearly for this almost at the cost of his life. In an attempt to run away from the presence of God, he boarded a ship to another town, the ship ran into turbulent waters on voyage, and when the fellow ship travelers discovered that Jonah’s disobedience to a divine being was the cause of their troubles,

Jonah was cast overboard into the stormy waters, and was swallowed up by a fish for three days. See Jonah 1:17

Jonah repented of his disobedience while inside the fish, and cried to God for help to be delivered from death. The Bible clearly stated that God in his infinite mercy forgave him, and “commanded” the fish to vomit Jonah on dry land – Jonah 2:10.

What a phenomenon! Just as God could command human beings to help you, if you ways are pleasing and right before him, he could also command any other living or living being to work to you favour.

Several lessons could be leant from the stories of David and Jonah as discussed above. The first lesson is that, God is the owner of the Heavens and the earth, and true help comes from him. He can use any material or none material being to help you.

One of the most popular passages in scriptures is Psalm 123, which states: “ lift my eyes to the Hills, where does my help cometh from….. God is the creator and the Spirits of all mankind. The heart of all is in His hands, so it is quite clear how easy it is for Him to speak to any situation and make it work in your favour.

The Second lesson is that God is abundant in mercy, and delights in the repentance of the wicked. In spite of the disobedience of Jonah, he only allowed him to be swallowed by the fish, but disallowed the fish from killing him. Jonah would have died inside the belly of the fish, if not for God’s mercy.

How he survived for three days inside the belly of the fish is a miracle that could not be explained. But the lesson is that God still created room for Jonah to repent. If you are not yet surrendered your life to God, and you are still alive, God is really creating room for you to repent, otherwise the enemy would have swallowed you up in death.

The third lesson that could be learnt is that, to receive help from God, your ways must be right before him. Jonah received help in side the belly of the fish, after he repented of his sins. If he had stubbornly refused to repent, he would have died inside the fish.

The fourth lesson is that on the contrary, if you ways are not right before God, he will ‘command’ troubles to overcome you. God saith in the Bible that I am the person that created the destroyer to wreck havoc.

The final lessons is that if your make your ways right before God, He will speak to your problems and command them to leave you. As soon as Jonah retraced his steps, God spoke to his troubles, commanding the fish to vomit him. Most times, God has not meet our requests not because we have not prayed enough, but because of simple disobedience. You can really be your own enemy if you refuse to obey God’s will.

How do you make your ways right before God. You can achieve this by simply obeying his word and doing His will. Being where He wants you to be, and doing what He wants you to do. Upholding love, justice righteousness, and peace as your cardinal principles in life.- Isaiah 1:16-20.

Search your heart, what has God told you to do that you are not doing, what are you doing that is against His will, in what ways are you transgressing his laws, are you serving Him, what secret sins are you committing, are you doing any particular thing to uplift His kingdom, in what ways are you making God happy? Remember the watchword is: If you ways are right before me, I will command people to help you”

Are your ways pleasing to God? Do you want God to command people to help you? Do you wish to expect miracles without much praying and fating? Simply make your ways right before God? If God is pleased with you, He will command people to help you. The first step towards achieving this is being reconciled with God.

Do you wish to repent of your little sins today? Do you want to be reconciled with God, through Jesus the Lord and Saviour? Then say this simple prayer:

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and have fallen short of your glory. I genuinely repent from all my sins and pledge to go and sin no more.

I accept your plan to reconcile mankind to you through Jesus Christ, who you sent in your name. I believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah, and died on the Cross to pay the penalty for my sins and redeem me.

I accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. I pray that His blood washes my sins away. I invite the Holy Spirit to rule my Life. I am born again in Jesus name.

If you want more information on how you can build a new life with God, visit Save the World at http://www.christonline.info or send an email to: info@christonline.info

For Telephone Counseling or Prayers call+234-1-4759088

Babatope Babalobi

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