Important Dating And Other Safety Tips For Ladies.

Some of these safety and dating  tips are common sense. Sometimes, some women can be so excited to have interaction with men, they forget to be careful. We live in a dangerous world. There are decent people out there, but there are dangerous people as well.

I find that no matter what, there are women who live carefree/carelessly in their interactions with men. Sometimes, these are men they don’t even know well. In addition, a lot of women allow themselves to be played in their relationships.

They settle for less than what they desire. Many desire marriage but will just go along to get along so that they won’t be single. They allow themselves to be used and strung along. This is not good.

These are basic reminders and tips in general for women to take to minimize risk and live more safely and purposefully.

• Pray to God for guidance before you decide to meet up with a man the first time. This applies to Christian women and anyone else who is willing to pray. 

• Do not meet him for the first few dates late at night or in the dark. Even after that, day time is ideal.

• Do not have him pick you up at your house at first. Why should he know where you live when you’re first getting to know him?

• Do not accept a date offer to hang out in your home and watch movies or “chill.” This can lead to sex and is often the motive for such suggestions.

• Do not accept a date offer to hang out in his home for your first date. Lord knows what would happen there.

• Don’t hide him from your friends and relatives and other people who truly care about you. Alert them that you are seeing him.

• Do not agree to meet at a hotel. To meet at a hotel seems inappropriate for a wholesome date. Doesn’t it even sound shady? There are so many other places to have a first date.

• After you are established as a couple if not before, be sure to introduce him to some loved ones. They may see something you don’t see.

Be receptive to their observations and counsel. It doesn’t mean they will give negative feedback or can change your mind, but at least be open to hear them.

Don’t have sex right away.

As Christians, we know not to have sex at all until we are marrried. But even for women who are not Christians, it is very logical, makes sense to test his motives.

A lot of men are primarily looking for unattached sex. Take your time with him. If you’re going to go ahead and have sex, hold out for as long as possible.

I’m not recommending women have premarital have sex. Yet, I understand some women will. For those who will do it anyway, it’s best to put it off for as long as possible.

• Do not accept a situation where he can come to your house, to your town or city, but you can never go to his. Something is wrong and he is hiding something.

• Do not accept a situation where his communication and presence is inconsistent, especially once you have been established as a couple.

Men who love and truly want to be with their women make time for them, enjoy spending quality time and they are consistent.

• Once established as a couple, take more time to get to know him, but do not allow him to string you along for years without marriage.

This is important for women who anticipate marriage. Christian women should fall in this category.

Dating should be for the purpose of marriage for Christians. If you’re not going to get married, fine. Sometimes, that is the most wise decision. But move on. No sense in recreational dating, just for the sake of it, right?

If Christian women are rightfully not having sex with their boyfriends, their boyfriends likely will not stick around for years anyway!

Or, if couples are not having sex, men who know they want to marry their women will not drag their feet, but be much more quick to propose, get married and have access to sex.

• Do not allow societal or familial or any kind of pressures to dictate to you who or when you date or marry.

Always pray along the way, choose wisely, marry wisely.

Important Bible Verse:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.”
Proverbs 3: 5-6 NKJV


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