Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)

    Sometimes it’s hard to just pray. Dad died a few months ago. My struggling heart senses the void as I (and hubby) are left to navigate church and life issues apart from his wise counsel. Even though I’m an adult, losing a parent is still difficult. We shared the same level of church involvement and the same desire to engage with people on the outside. Although our personalities were so different, our lives ran on the same course. His insight, from personal experience, put things right back into perspective.

    I picked up the phone the other day, forgetting dad was gone. What a sad reality. He loved me differently than anyone else. He understood me, overlooked my inadequacies, and put my mind at ease. When dealing with difficult people, I knew I’d find support and be able to unload on him. But he never allowed a problem to defeat.

    His approach was to stand. Which meant not allowing it to become something bigger in my mind than it deserved.

    Dad wasn’t a “feelings, share your heart” kind of a guy. His ways were always solution driven. He would ask questions for clarity and quickly offer a plan of action. If I tried to belabor a point, he’d impatiently say “just forget it. Don’t think about it anymore. Just pray and read this verse every morning.” Then he’d give me a verse.

    The last was Nehemiah 9:5b-7. He was in the process of building a new church and I can see how the book of Nehemiah spurred him on. He gave me this passage at some point during the building project. And I found it at a later time, when I was teaching the book of Nehemiah—in the year he died. God knew… But I was surprised when I got to chapter nine and read my note in the margin,  “From Dad.”

    Many people don’t have the rich legacy of faith he left behind. In times of weakness he would tell me to keep moving forward and just pray. He knew prayer IS essential for peace. Rather than focus on my loss, I can rely on the spiritual disciplines he set forth. Realizing I have the same responsibility to the next generation.

    I wonder at times if God is listening as dad had. The Bible says He will never leave or forsake me. In faith, I believe. So even when I don’t feel connected, I still pray: for my family’s needs, the health concerns of friends, for forgiveness, and to always see God’s goodness over my circumstances.

    Prayer fills my heart with awe and thankfulness. I find the answers I need, the direction I seek, and the peace I desire. When I quietly slip into God’s presence through prayer, I’m assured He is listening.

    God loves You and me unconditionally, just as dad demonstrated.

    Heavenly Father, Help me not to be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present my requests to You.

    For further study: Read Philippians 4:6-7

    Today reflect on the peace that comes from God.

    “Stand up and praise the Lord your God,

    who is from everlasting to everlasting.”

    Nehemiah 9:5b

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