Keep Shining In The Darkness!

I am thankful to God for empowering followers of Jesus to stay the course. I’m so grateful for men and women, boys and girls who serve Christ, no matter the consequences.

I also want to encourage the ladies specifically when it comes to going against the grain, including in the most difficult ways, in order to follow Jesus. Righteous feminine influence is paramout in this dark world.

Cheers to all the ladies who are not trying to fit in, but shine as lights through godly behaviors and attitudes.

It’s hard when the majority of people are rejecting of God’s word and ways, but Christians manage to stand strong, unwavering in God’s word and applying it to our lives.

Many Christians are conforming to the world and ungodliness, watering down the gospel and conflating loving someone with agreeing with their sin. Some are hesitant to even boldly express their Christian values.

I don’t mean forcing beliefs on others, but just as others have freedom of expression and speech, so do Christians and should utilize it. When we love someone, we still call what God calls sin, sin.

To love someone means loving them enough to be uncomfortable and risk them hating us because we tell them the truth. But we must speak the truth in love when opportunities arise. And Christians should be humble, godly examples in our behaviors as well as our speech.

There will be temptation to conform, to give in to be like everybody else. There is pressure all around. There is hostility, contempt for Christians, and ungodly influence all around. By the grace of God, the people of God will remain rooted in Christ.

Cheers to ladies who dress modestly when the world tells women that it’s okay and good to take pretty much all of their clothes off in public.

Modesty comes from within. It is an attitude that comes from the heart and modesty should apply to all areas of life of believers. This includes modesty in attire. A lot of women don’t think that they should dress in non-enticing ways in order to honor their bodies.

They say it’s their bodies and they should be able to dress the way they want to. While women do have free will and freedom to dress as we please, to use discretion is wise.

A self-respecting woman tends not to want to give men free views of her sacred, naked or near-naked body. She tends not to want to present herself in enticing ways that will cause men to leer at, lust after and objectify her.

I have an example to share. It has been very hot and I recently noticed my neighbor walk out of her home, minding her business. She was wearing short shorts. I watched the two men doing yardwork on the property. One stared at her body and got this really slick smirk on his face. He said something to the man he was working with.

They both turn and stared, leered at her, smirking as she walked to her car. I think women don’t realize that the way they present themselves affects certain men in this particular way. I felt sorry for her because I felt she had been disrespected.

Cheers to all the ladies who say no to sex outside of marriage.

Cheers to the men as well, who do not have sex outside of marriage. Some professed Christian women are having sex outside of marriage so that they won’t lose their boyfriends. This is idolatrous and putting having men before obedience to God.

But there are other women of God who are not idolizing men, but they remain faithful to God. May God continue to strengthen the people of God to be obedient. I understand people, including myself have done certain things wrong, but God forgives. There is hope. We must confess our faults to God and repent.

To women who stay strong in the Lord and continue to comply with God’s design and order for men and women, cheers!

With radical feminism on the rise, parts of God’s word have been rejected by many men and women. We know throughout history women have been abused, mistreated, oppressed globally.

This was wrong. It will always be wrong. God created women to be loved, cherished, protected and to contribute many things in this life. But the flip side is also wrong, where wives are going against God’s design and do not honor their husbands.

Some seem to think perhaps all men are bad or that women generally shouldn’t listen to or respect men just because they are men. We live in a society where “girl boss,” “girl power,” “the future is female” quotes and phrases are the norm. 

Men are often disrespected and emasculated. This is not good! It’s good to rightfully elevate women, but also do the same for men. Elevating women shouldn’t mean putting men down. Elevating men shouldn’t mean putting women down.

Both men and women are due the love and respect that God intended them to have. Those of us who are Christians understand that God’s way of doing things is the right way. I’m grateful for the men and women who choose to go against the grain and do things the unpopular way- God’s way.

I praise God for the people who are not afraid to proclaim the name of Jesus. Cheers!

Some people don’t want to even say the name of Jesus anymore. I thank God for people who are not afraid to say “the Lord Jesus Christ,” “God” or “Jesus.” They avoid substituting the name of God and Jesus for “the universe.” All glory, honor and praise is due to God, our Creator. Not to the universe. Worship the Creator, not the creation.

I am grateful to God for the people who stand strong in God’s truth, despite the anti-christ agendas, ideologies and perspectives. Cheers!

People are called phobic, bigots, haters and other things, simply for agreeing with God. God is love. Agreeing with God is not hatred. But telling people what they want to hear, knowing that they are in danger of eternal separation from God is not love. Love speaks truth and does truth, friends.

Helpful Bible verses:

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. -Matthew 5: 16 NKJV

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. – Mark 16: 15 NKJV


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