Kindness Can Save The Day. - Impacting Righteously

Everyone has bad days. I know I do. Or maybe, it is just a small part of the day. Often, if it starts out with things going wrong, I brace myself for the rest of the day. Once in a while, I just don’t feel well emotionally. My mood may be due to regular everyday stress like work, or any personal matters. Sometimes, my mood is negatively altered, simply because people can be just plain mean!

If I am feeling a little blue due to people’s behaviors or other circumstances, praying and meditating on scripture helps- a lot! Other times, when I’m in a funk about problems at the office, or with circumstances in general, it is incredible what nice little gestures from other people can do to instantly lift me up. Sometimes, my “high” lasts the rest of the day!

• When, I’m feeling down and I step into the elevator and someone greets me with a quick hello and a warm smile, it can be amazing on a bad day.

• Sometimes, I am outside walking on my breaks, and strangers smile. I feel blessed and refreshed.

• Sometimes, I have a task at hand, and someone rushes to help me. I feel pleasantly surprised and grateful.

• It really is the “small” things that are so grand, and make such a big difference. I know how these gestures impact me, and I like to do the same for others.

Life is hard. You never know what others are going through.

Kind gestures can truly brighten someone’s outlook. Someone could be having dark thoughts. A person may even be feeling hopeless. We never know. Sometimes, someone needs a reminder that there is still kindness in this world. All they need is encouragement from a little kindness. It is simple; yet so significant! I love when I see someone’s face light up when I acknowledge them.

We can go ahead…and smile.

• Even if it is with our eyes, because we’re wearing a mask…even if you’re a female, and trying not to come off too friendly to men you don’t know. The eyes show enough expression.

• Give someone a simple, sincere greeting.

• How about a little bit of general conversation?

• How about a quick check-in? It could be a quick text to someone, or a phone call to someone the Lord has put on your heart.

• Perhaps, you may come across someone who is struggling, or seems overwhelmed with a task, and can offer them a helping hand.

• How about giving a little cash to someone living in the streets when you feel led to safely do so?

The word of God has a lot to say about kindness and compassion.

There are many supporting scriptures for this topic. Here are just two of them. These are words of truth that are important to remember:

“Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.” Proverbs 12: 25.

Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Hebrews 13: 2.

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