Launching Your Summer — iWork4Him

setting new standards for family engagement

Life sure changes when school lets out for summer break.   Here in Florida, when the school bell rings for the last time in May, it signals the end of everything predictable.  The traffic patterns change, the restaurants aren’t as busy and it’s harder than ever to close a business deal. So, how can we put our iWork4Him thinking into practice during the summer?  Since iWork4Him is all about letting the power of Jesus impact all aspects of our life, let’s focus on how it can impact our family life this summer.

As a dad of 3 grown children, I realize now that you only get 18 summers off with your kids before they become adults.  Summer still comes but so do the responsibilities of adulthood, changing their carefree summer schedule forever.  So how can you make the most of the time your kids have during the summer break?

Play board games or do a puzzle – instead of watching TV

Plan a week off to spend together – it can be a “stay-cation”

Make your marriage and family a priority in all your plans

Practice your iWork4Him thinking in your neighborhood with a BBQ. 

Get creative – but be intentional

Martha and I are working on this too, so you are not alone.

Happy Summer Vacation.

Deuteronomy 6:7 (NLT)

7 Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.

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