Learning Contentment in All Circumstances

When you get sent the same sermon from two of your sisters in the same evening, you know it must be worth listening too!! This sermon is all about being content and how to have the attitude "I get to" rather than" I've got to." Based on Philippians 4 and the story of Joseph, it is well worth listening too. It is practical, encouraging and challenging.
But before I got this sermon, I had already been thinking about contentment. I had been reading through my prayer/Bible reading journal that I started this year. At the beginning of the year I had been discontent with how busy my life was, and I wanted to slow it down as much as possible. But as I tried, I got really frustrated, because there wasn't much I could change. But then I listened to a sermon which really changed my perspective, and I realized I needed to accept it as how my life was supposed to be. And guess what? My life got more busy!
Fast forward to the last two months. I have been forced to slow down my life and cancel things because of my low iron issues. And guess what? I've had the same frustration! I've said to my husband a few times, "I want to be busy (doing this or that), but I can't!"
Reading through my journal, I had to laugh! Talk about being impossible to please! I realized that as I learned to be content with busyness, I also need to be content with sickness and when I can't do all that I want to be doing!

You can watch or listen here


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