Let Me Not Wander

Recently, for a Bible reading project, I read through Psalm 119 and wrote out all the prayer requests that are in there. It was quite neat as it gives me good ideas on how to pray. I thought I would share a few of them over the next few weeks.
"O let me not wander from thy commandments." Psalm 119:10b
In another words, he is praying, Keep me close to God's Word. We need to pray this prayer too.  The Bible is so important, and when we wander away from it we are in danger. We are capable of anything. God's commands are for our good.
When I talk about staying close to God's Word, I don't mean just reading it out of habit. You can read it every day and be miles away from God. I am talking about reading it to get to know God better and to spend time with Him.
Why is God's Word so important?
God's Word is like…
 …a mirror–that shows us what we are really like and what needs changing in our lives.
…a map– that gives directions
…food– that gives us strength spiritually and satisfies us.
…a light– that shows us what's right and wrong.
…a sword–that we can use as a weapon against Satan.
Do you ever wonder how in the world a Christian could do what they did? Like David with Bathsheba? The answer is "They wandered away from God's Word." Of course, in some cases the person might not be saved. But in other cases, like David, it's just because the person is not walking with God. That's scary!
I heard a man preaching who had met with some Christian men who had all done wrong things. The preacher said to them, "I don't even need to ask what went wrong. You neglected time with God and that's why you are here today."
Make it your prayer, "O let me not wander from thy commandments."

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