Looking Back—Looking Ahead

A couple of days ago I wrote about the decision I face regarding how to get a car. The decision has been made and I’ve gone with a leasing option. It is amazing how I was able to finally make the decision. I’d been asking a lot of people for their perspective, and still couldn’t decide. Their advice was wise, but came from such a different perspective than mine.

Thursday night, after writing my previous post, I was thinking about this again, and the thought came strongly, Call Mai. Mai is the single aunt to my God children. I recalled she had leased a car, and then later on had bought one. We had a long talk that was so encouraging. She had faced the same decision I was facing for the same reasons. As she walked me through the process, she reminded me, “God is so big, at the end of the day, you just choose the best you can and trust Him for the rest.” Reminding me again of the verses I’d thought of earlier. And as we talked it became clear… I really have other things in life to worry about than buying/selling/repairs and all that. I just want to be able to drive and use my car to bless others. The decision was made… Lease.

Friday night we had one of the largest Chinese meetings in a long time. Over 30 students from the Technion came. They are being vetted to consider pursuing their second and third degrees. Many had heard about the Chinese “Church” and wanted to know what it was all about. Mr. Wong called. “Can you help take them home afterwards?”

I said yes with fear and trembling. You see, my current car was very good for a long time, but now it has several problems, one of which could have me stuck and not able to drive (sticky transmission). But I said yes, and was so thankful that all went well. On the way to the meeting I had to stop and start my car twice, but I got there. Picked up the first set of students, dropped them off and when to pick up the second set of students. As I drove the second set of students home, they started asking questions that led to my being able to share with them in-depth what the bad news is, so that they could understand the “Gospel” (the good news). One of them started quoting the song, Amazing Grace. I asked if they understood the words. They responded that they weren’t sure. And so, after arriving at the Technion, I parked my car and we sat and I gave them an “English” lesson as to what the words in the song meant, drawing parallels to their own culture so that they would comprehend this GREAT Grace. The all asked for my e-mail and said they want to communicate with me, but more importantly, I saw the tears in the eyes of one young man, and pray that for him the evening will be fertile seed falling in good soil. (Oh, and not once while driving the students did I have a problem with the car).

Amazing grace can be such an oversung song, but as I drove home it was the only song in my heart. And the thought entered my mind, “This is one reason you need a better car.”

Today, our congregation had a potluck afterwards. On the way to the meeting I had to stop and start my car twice, on the way to the potluck, three times!I was wondering if today was the day my car would give up. There, I met a young woman who was there to visit a friend. But her friend had to work. As we sat and talked, I realized she was stuck there with three kids for another 4 hours, until her friend finished work, and so offered to take her home. The car worked fine.

Looking back, I’ve made the right decision, but now I have to wait for the fulfillment. Looking ahead, I still have to live through a few trials and trust the Lord to get me where I need to go with what I have. Do you see the double-meaning? I hope so. Yet another reminder…

Prov. 3:5 ¶     Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
Prov. 3:6     In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.

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