May Christ Have First Place in All Things in Us

    Colossians 1:14-18 presents Christ as our Redeemer, the image of the invisible God, the Creator, the One who is before all and holds all together, the Head of the Body, and the Firstborn from the dead. All of this is so that “He Himself might have the first place in all things,” including in us.

    New JerusalemIn our Christian experience the unique item should be the throne of the One who purposed and of the One who redeemed. Such a throne must be set up in our entire being, and this should be the center of our Christian life. This means that we would accept the God who purposed and the Christ who redeemed us as our Head, Lord, and authority. We should be willing to subject ourselves to such a headship. We adore Him as the Lord, and we take Him as our authority. We enthrone Him in our being and in our Christian life.*

    We praise the Lord for His redemption and life but we also need to give Him the first place. When He says no to something we like, we need to say amen. When He gives us the feeling we should take time for Bible reading or prayer, we should do this. This is to subject ourselves to His headship, His throne.

    This subjecting ourselves brings us onward toward New Jerusalem where God and the Lamb, Christ, will have the first place in everything.

    * From chapter 38, Witness LeeGod’s New Testament Economy, published by Living Stream Ministry, © Witness Lee, 1986.

    Photo courtesy of NASA.

    Posted by Don on May 29, 2023

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