Meditate, Don't Medicate — Luke 11:34 - Booty and Treasures fer All!

    Luke 11:34

    Yer eyes be the lanterns of yer body (Luke 11:34). When yer eyes take in sights that be worthy of praise and goodness,  that be noble and pure, yer body ‘ill light up and be healthy (Luke 11:35) (Philippians 4:8). Yer mind, body, and soul ‘ill flourish.

    But when yer eyes draw in darkness, yer body ‘ill be filled with all manner of unclean spirits. Demons of doubt, discouragement, division, hate, death, violence, lust, perversion, and such take hold of ya (Luke 11:34).

    See ter it then that the light within ya be the light of the Son, not the darkness of the devil (Luke 11:36).

    If anything causes ya ter stumble, shut yer eyes ter it. Better ter walk around with yer eyes shut and stump yer toes, than ter ‘ave yer whole body cast inter a place of torment (Matthew 5:29).

    As a feller thinks in his heart, so he be (Proverbs 23:7). Therefer, make it yer task ter protect yer heart, fer from yer heart flows the springs of life. (Proverbs 4:23).

    Doth ya ‘ave a sour outlook on life? Doth ya feel worried, anxious, fearful? Ya kin be sure this come inter yer body, mind, and heart from the devil of darkness. Cast it out! Tell that lying rascal the devil ter get gone!

    The devil be the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:1-3). All his ways be dark and filled with death. Turn him out. Cut him off fer he gets a chance ter speak inter yer heart.

    Spend more time in Skip’s words and less on the news of the day.

    Spend more time in prayer with Skip and less time reading bawdy books and watching scandalous spectacles and stage performances meant ter titillate. Be careful, little eyes, what ya see, fer what ya take in becomes the seeds of what ya harvest.

    Spend more time praising Skip and less criticizing others.

    Spend more time thanking Skip fer all he gives ya, even down ter yer next breath, and less complaining ’bout what others done and what ya don’ ‘ave.

    If we ‘ill meditate on what be good rather than bad, on Skip rather than the works of the devil, we ‘ill soon find we ‘ave no need ter medicate.

    Lord, help us today to turn off the news and shows and songs that glorify evil rather than you. Put within us a desire to read your words, to love your words, to eagerly seek to hear from you each day. Turn our criticism of others, and you, into praise. Turn our complaining into thankfulness. Help us to look on the bright side of things, your pierced side—the side that brings healing and abundant life. If there be anything unworthy, anything you could not look upon, help us to look away and shut our eyes to it. Amen.

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