My Bleeding Heart

    Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

    My name isn’t important. His name is! You see, I was sick. Very sick! I had been bleeding for eleven years. Most women bleed once a month for only a few days, but mine was all the time. It wouldn’t stop flowing. 

    Yes, I have been to the doctor! Several different doctors! I would see another doctor when one’s treatment didn’t work. Second opinion? I got third, fourth, and fifth opinions! No matter how ridiculous it seemed, I did everything they told me to do. I just wanted what I began to call a plague to stop.

    My friends, what few I still had, accused me of all kinds of things. From being cursed to possessed! They kept thinking that I must have done something wrong to deserve this calamity that had fallen upon me.

    I don’t understand that kind of thinking because we all live where bad things happen, even to good people. After all, sin has entered the world. The worst thing about having this condition is that in my culture, a woman is considered “unclean” when experiencing that time of the month! I hated that title more than anything! Being called “unclean” hurt me so badly. It wasn’t fair!

    I wasn’t dirty, but when word got out from the doctors and began spreading throughout my community, people started avoiding me. I understood the expression “avoid like the plague!” I lived it! It was also challenging to be the recipient of their stares and their mean whispers. They probably thought I couldn’t hear them, but I could.

    I wanted nothing more than to be healed! I just needed to find the right physician. I would do anything pay anything. Although I had already spent all that I had seeking a cure. I had cried out to God more than I can count for healing, a touch. I wanted out of my misery. Year after year, I was misunderstood, suffering, and being rejected for a total of eleven.

    I don’t know how, but I managed to maintain a sliver of hope. Perhaps it was due to the fact that I never blamed God for my despair. No matter what I faced, I knew that healing was somewhere. I just had to find it or him.

    Then, one day, I heard about this man coming to town. Rumor had it he was able to perform miracles, even healings. That sounded too good to believe, but what if? What if it was true? What if this man was a great physician? Could the end of my plague be days away? My faith began to grow.

    The day he was supposed to arrive finally got here. I figured the crowd would be great to see such a great man, but I had no idea it would be that large. I decided to put on a cloak that had a hood. I used it to cover my head and to help hide my presence in such a crowd. According to my culture, it was wrong for me to even be there with my condition. I didn’t care. I needed to see this great physician who could help people with illnesses worse than mine.

    Allegedly, he brought a man back to life from death. I would say death is a pretty severe illness! Another thing people were saying about him is that he forgave people of their sins if they believed in him. How can a man forgive sin? Forgiveness requires the spilling of blood. I don’t know about that, but if he can heal me of my affliction, I will be willing to listen to what he teaches.

    I heard a great commotion coming my way. Everyone around me was getting excited and, thankfully, looking for their chance to get a glimpse of him. I just wanted to touch his robe. I thought that if this individual had the kind of power that others claim he does, then that should be all I need. Just one touch! He was heading in my direction. I pressed in, as did the others. My cover was working. No one had even noticed me in the crowd. As he got near me, I forced my way to the point where, at the moment he passed me, I could reach out and touch him. I didn’t like being pushy, but I had no choice, no more money, and no one else to turn to.

    As he passed by and I realized this was it, I reached out. I felt my heart pound with excitement, with anticipation, but mainly with hope! The ones who were his followers were directing him, and I almost missed my opportunity, but at the last second, I touched the hem of his garment. Instantly, I felt a heat go through my body! Oh my goodness! It was like nothing I had ever experienced before in my life! At that moment, I knew! I knew without having to check that I was healed. I knew that my plague was over!

    I was so overwhelmed. I was beginning to plan my exit when Jesus stopped. He turned around and asked, “Who touched me?”  His followers said, “Master, there are so many pushing against you! Everyone is touching you!”  I wanted to hide, for if the people saw me, they would be so mad, for I had broken the law, but I just had to turn and kneel before the man who healed me. I told him the whole story of my ailment. He listened, and then he said, “Daughter, you took a risk of faith, and now you’re healed and whole. Live well, and live blessed! Be healed of your plague.”  He not only healed my plague but even more importantly, he healed my heart! I told you in the beginning that his name is important. His name was Jesus.

    (The actual account can be found in the Bible. Luke 8:43-48)

    If you have never had your own encounter with Jesus Christ, know that you can. He is waiting for you to accept his offer of forgiveness for your sins. With that begins a relationship that brings hope, encouragement, comfort, and guidance with the added bonus of eternal life. Along the way, you can ask for help with anything. Problems in life, relationships, and healing. Having a relationship with Jesus is the best thing you will ever do with your life. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are real. So are heaven and hell. There are no other alternatives. Encounter Jesus and change your life.

    Copyright © 2025 Mark Brady. All rights reserved.

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      Mark Brady

      I'm Mark Brady, born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. After a journey through ministry and corporate life, I'm now a full-time writer and speaker, joyfully encouraging fellow writers.