Need=Seed=Feed for All You Need — (Luke 18:41-43) - Booty and Treasures fer All!

    Need=Seed=Feed for All You Need — (Luke 18:41-43)

    As the Son whar on his way up ter Jericho a feller called out fer healing. In reply the Son shouted back, “What do you want me to do for you?” (Luke 18:41-43)

    Once the chap hollered his bold request, the Son replied, “Receive what you have asked for. Your faith has healed you.”

    Immediately the feller received his request.

    Now if ya know the details of this story ya ‘ill recall the feller whar blind and asked ter see. But his request could ‘ave been any sort of affliction, not simply blindness. The important thing ter keep in mind is that, though blind, the feller seen a vision of himself being healed by the Son: seen it, he did, and believed the Son could do it.

    What do ya need?

    In our needs be the seeds of the provision we seek. Our needs expose barren areas in our lives and whar thar be a barren plot, ya kin bet that tilling, sowing, and tending ‘ill produce a crop if only we ‘ill not give up. (Matthew 7:7–8)

    Some seeds shoot up quick like. Other seed takes more time. In either case, we kin not let our natural eyes blind us the vision of the crop that’ll come. When a farmer shows up each day plucking weeds, watering, running off pests, nourishing the soil, he shows that he has faith in the seed he buried.

    Think on this a wee little bit: the Son be our buried seed. Fer three days he whar in the dirt, dead. But at the start of day three he sprung forth from that soil. And once the seed of the Son come forth as the first fruits of new life, he sowed the seed of his Father in us through the Word and Spirit.

    The word of God be seed from inside the Son. Those who trek along the wide path that leads ter destruction ‘ill often times receive the seed, but then the devil sneaks in and steals the seed from thar hearts. Some seed gets buried in shallow soil and don’ grow strong roots. They believe fer a while, but eventually fall over dry as straw. Other seed gets robbed of nutrients by life’s worries, riches and pleasures. This seed produce puny stalks.

    Still other seed lands good soil. These folks ‘ave noble and good hearts. They hear the word and retain it. They pluck sin from thar lives, keep the seed refreshed with living water, command the devil and his henchmen ter get gone from thar heart, and nourish thar mind with the words of Skipper. By persevering in this way, they produce a crop. (Luke 8:11-15)

    If we be faithful enough ter trust a tiny seed buried in dirt, let us also be faithful ter sow seeds in our hearts fer the things we need: health, shelter, clothing, and food.

    With yer mouth declare that what you need you now have. “I receive ____ into my life! ” Let yer faith in the Son, his power and mighty name, turn yer need inter good seed. Then immediately be about the business of preparing ter bring in the harvest.

    Need=Seed=Feed—that’s spiritual sowing Jesus’ way.

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