New Jerusalem, Habitation of the God of Peace (7)

(Photo: Pexels)

Ephesians 2 describes the unseen actions during Christ’s crucifixion. He made peace and He is our peace in resurrection. At present this peace is hidden within His believers and tasted to varying extents by each of them. When He returns, peace will spread to the whole earth and increase even more on the new earth with New Jerusalem.

Colossians 1:20 also speaks of this peacemaking: “And through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross—through Him, whether the things on the New Jerusalemearth or the things in the heavens.”

Although He made peace, most of humanity is separated from Christ and is in turmoil. The news is full of unpeaceful actions—protests, strikes, condemnations, rebellions, persecutions, wars. 

Even among Christians there is unrest. Why is this? It is because much of our daily living is still in the fallen old man. In position we are “in Christ” but our living is not in Him. We remain in our thinking, our preferences, our ways of doing things.

In Ephesians 4 and Colossians 3 we put off the old man, the fallen natural man, are renewed in our mind, and put on the new man created by Christ on the cross. We have done the positional putting off and putting on in baptism but in our living we have not yet “put off” and “put on” Christ. We need daily renewal by the Lord to bring us completely into the new creation with New Jerusalem.

Posted by Don on November 12, 2021

New Jerusalem, Habitation of the God of Peace (7)

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