Overcoming Shame When Someone Does Not Like You - Denise Pass

Shame RX: Shame doesn’t have to stick just because it’s thrown our way.

Romans 8:31 (NIV)

“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”

Someone went out the way to make sure you knew they did not like you. Man, that stinks. Been there, done that. Not fun. But friends, it is a spiritual battle.  And truth sheds shame.

Truth #1: Someone choosing to behave in such a fleshly manner means they have been deceived and taken the bait of the enemy: they have allowed an offense, real or imagined to fill their heart and soul so much so that they would lash out against another.

Truth #2: When people express their dislike of us, that only comes from one place. Jesus would not act that way. Satan seeks to kill and destroy and he hates us and he also has a lot of volunteers who are his conduits to bring down the people of God.

Truth #3: Everybody isn’t going to like everybody. That’s reality. But with a change of our point-of-view we don’t have to receive the shame that comes our way when someone makes it clear that they don’t like us. And we don’t have to retaliate with shame tactics, either.

Truth #4: Shame, like a dart hurled our direction, does not have to stick. Not just by our decision, but by our understanding.

Truth #5: Someone else’s evaluation of us is not the final word. No matter what failings any of us has, God redeems every last one.

Truth #6: Maybe someone had a bad day or has other problems we don’t know about. Choosing to believe the best and overlook their offense sets us free from shame again.

Truth #7: When we can choose to love our enemies because Christ chose to love us, too, that’ll send shame packing. Shame off you, friends!


Need to get rid of shame in your life? Join the Shame Off You Bible Study Mondays at 7pm ET.

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