Pandas, Dogs, and the Christian Life

    For most of us, our experience with pandas is limited to watching that cinematic classic Kung Fu Panda. I was in Chengdu, China several years ago, and a friend and I made a point of going to the Chengdu Zoo just to see the pandas. I think there were other animals there, but we didn’t come all this way to see any ol’ bear. We wanted to see pandas—and we were not disappointed. (Although not one panda did any kung fu.)

    I would’ve been disappointed had I flown across the world, taxied across the massive city, endured the crowds at the zoo to see … DOGS?

    The first thing most people know about me is I love dogs. I am a self-proclaimed dog whisperer. But when you’re looking for pandas, the last thing you expect to see is a dog. That’s like when the waiter brings you a Coke, but you take a drink and discover … PEPSI?!

    The zookeepers at the zoo in Shanwei, China didn’t have any pandas, but they didn’t see that as a problem. They took two Chow Chow dogs and painted them to resemble pandas.

    “Excuse me, Mr. Zookeeper, but why does that panda have a curly tail? And why is that other panda panting and barking?”
    “Um … they’re … um, panda dogs.” (Someone with the zoo made that claim.)

    No one was duped. But guests were angry, demanding their money back. [Source]

    When I read this news story, I thought of Jesus’s statement in the Sermon on the Mount:

    “You’ll recognize them by their fruit” (Matt. 7:16).

    Jesus was specifically addressing the need to be wary of false prophets, but the principle can also apply to pandas … er, dogs … er panda dogs. And us too. The evidence is in what is seen.

    A lot of people give lip service to being a Christian, but is there evidence in their lives? When we come to Christ, He places His Holy Spirit in our lives. As we walk with Jesus, there should be evidence that His Spirit is with us. We call that evidence the fruit of the Spirit.

    “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (Gal. 5:22-23).

    Of course, we fail from time to time. Christians stumble, but the one who follows Jesus keeps turning back to Him and striving to live under His lordship. As he or she does, the fruit of the Spirit manifests itself in increasing measure.

    Don’t let it ever be said of you, “You’re not a real Christian.” Look to Jesus, abide in Him, and let the fruit of His Spirit be seen in you.

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