Prayers to receive help from God in times of need

Prayers to receive help from God in times of need

Posted on May 13, 2014 Updated on May 13, 2014


Memorise: “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help” (Ps 121:1)

Read: John 1:9-12

God sends earthquakes to get the attention of people, also to open prison doors and set the captives free. In addition, God can use an earthquake as a sign of answered prayers, and evidence of His presence like it happened in Acts 4:23-31. It can also be to bring judgement upon the wicked like it happened to those who rebelled against His servant Moses (Numbers 16:28-35).help from GodThis season, every formation of the wicked shall be swallowed up by God’s earthquake in Jesus’ Name. Another thing we can note in Matthew 28:1-7 is that an angel of God descended from Heaven before the stone on the door of the tomb could be rolled away. In times past and until now help has always come from above to those who look unto God. Hence, Psalm 121:1 says, “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help”. Whatever must raise you must be above you. Is it easy for someone standing beside you to lift you above him?

Your help is not from man. Stop looking at that better placed school mate or relative for help. Your help is up above you. Your help comes from above. Trust in God and your help will locate you through any human channel. Yet, no man is the source – only a channel!

However, the beautiful thing about the descent of this angel was that the women never prayed for the stone to be rolled away: They only got there and found it already rolled away. By this, God was making a statement that if you are truly devoted to Him, help will come to you even before you ask for it. There is a user of this Devotional: the Lord is giving you what you never asked for because of your past devotion to Him. Remember to thank Him when this materializes.

Power from above is now available for you. Have you been struggling to live on your limited strength, wisdom, or resources without success for so long? The good news is that power is now available from above. You can never live above sin in your strength. Yield to God today. He can empower you to do your daily work. Have you been failing over certain assignments? From now, you shall succeed. Tap into His power.

Father, before the end of today, let there be a definite turn around in my situation.

Related posts-Sermon: Lord is my helper 

 Pastor Enoch Adeboye

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This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged babalobi, Bible, Bible study, Deliverance, Devotionals, Divine Help, Faith, God, good news, Help, Jesus, pastor adeboye, pastor adeboye's sermons, Religion, Save the World.

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