Christmas was two days ago. At my house, you wouldn’t even be able to tell that Christmas took place. All the debris, decorations, and disruptions are cleaned up and put away. I think I got that attitude from my mother.

People get so excited about Christmas. The buildup, the gatherings, the presents, it all stimulates us. And most seem to be nicer. There are a few Grinches, but overall, people behave for December.

But what happens after December 25th? How do you feel while cleaning up and putting things away? Does a normalcy come over you? Does life resume to its regular scheduled program already in progress? It doesn’t have to.

If you celebrate the One that Christmas is all about, then you still have that spirit and attitude in your heart. You might put away the things that come out because of the holiday, but you don’t pack up Jesus. You don’t put him away until Easter. I know some do, and those are the only two times a year they enter a church. Other than for weddings and funerals.

You can have that excitement and feeling inside you all year by knowing and having accepted Jesus into your life. You can experience the joy and peace year-round. I have said several times before that just because you have accepted Jesus, your life isn’t magically better. Jesus helps you get through the things in life that “happen” to us.

So, this Christmas, as you are cleaning up, packing up, and putting up, don’t pack away Jesus as if He is only a nativity scene. Leave him out and in your heart all year! If you haven’t accepted Jesus, do so. Ask him into your life and to forgive you of your sins. He is the best present you will ever unwrap your whole life.

Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. Eph. 3:17 (NLT)

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