Remembering 9-11 - Jewell Utt

    I felt numb as I drove to the middle school that day. It was the morning of 9-11, shortly after the first attack. I was unnerved by the eerie silence inside a building filled with vibrant students. They must have heard the news. As I entered the music room, the teacher’s wide eyes locked with mine in utter disbelief. What was happening in our country? In a class where instruments harmonized to make beautiful music, there was suddenly no sound. The stunned silence of students represented a larger change within their spirits and within our shores.

    In the years since 9-11-01, internal terror has increased. From mass shootings in schools, churches, and theaters, to divisions in the government through civil unrest. Today’s young adults grew up in the wake of terror and it has changed their security of life. Their ability to handle turmoil is challenged. Bullying, violence, cutting and suicide, words we did not know as children, are common to most kid’s today.

    So Where Is The Hope?

    “In God We Trust.” Words important enough for President Eisenhower,  declared by law in 1956, to put on American currency. The most powerful man, chose the most powerful words, to set a standard of unity under God. Throughout our history we have endured civil wars. We have grown smarter, more compassionate and more alert as a result. That is what a standard under God’s authority inspires. We can’t be at peace in a world of terror, but we can live at peace in the Kingdom of God.

    With the mindset of Christ, we can gain His peace.

    Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27 ESV

    In the aftermath of  9-11, peace came to me through unity. Flags waving on every home proved we stand together, proud and protective of our country. “One nation under God.”

    Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

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