Safeguard Your Mind With Truth - Impacting Righteously

By now, it is probably evident that I am not a fan of seeing all the problems many women go through. In particular, I hate to see what many go through in their relationships and marriages. The woman of God must be armed with God’s truth at all times. This is applicable before and during marriage.

We are always dealing with seed being sown, whether spiritually or in the natural. Words are seed. Our mind is the womb in which they are planted. Like the serpent in the garden of Eden, some people enjoy using harmful words against women (Genesis 3).

Words are a major, very effective weapon that have been used against women throughout history.

Some men spread many false words, which are used as a weapon against women, impregnating their minds. Plenty women unfortunately lie to men, as well. The good thing about many men is they tend to be more logical and more suspicious by nature.

The men who deceive women learn to sweet talk, smooth talk their way to a woman’s heart to cause her to give her body and also to control her otherwise.

In fact, some women’s own husbands feed them false doctrine. For example, religious chauvinists twist the Bible to control their wives.

Some husbands feed their wife fallacies before marriage to deceive her into marrying him. Women have done the same to men. There are women who are married, because they believed words spoken by their man that were not true.

Some women are very vulnerable to receiving and believing all sorts of things. When it comes to false doctrine, we find that some women may have a hard time staying anchored in truth. The fertile mind can be open and receptive to lies.

A woman may actually have the truth, but can be swayed off of it due to cunning, crafty words that have been spoken, (often by a man she idolizes) and have taken root in her mind. 

I believe having idols of the heart is a major reason for a woman’s inability to stay in truth. She may even be moved off of the word of God, because whatever is being said is spoken by a man and/or it simply appeals to her flesh.

If a woman falls into idolizing a man, she is WIDE OPEN for attacks from the enemy.

Being in idolatry is a dangerous place to be. Idolizing men and relationships has gotten many women in heaps of trouble.

For example, if I have made a man my idol, I am greatly deceived, and in danger. In this state of idolatry, I may be giddy, thrilled, because a man is giving me the attention I want.

Yet, at this point, I am probably slipping further from the truth, deeper into deception and away from God. Once a woman opens herself up to idolatry, it is typically downhill from there, as she becomes more and more deceived…that is, until and unless she turns from her idol(s).

For the woman of God, keeping God first, is paramount, as well as remaining in prayer and in the word of God. She must be Biblically literate and have the teaching and guiding of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth within her at all times. Women need God’s constant guidance and protection. For women who are not Christians, if they will use basic common sense, logic and intuition more, it would be very beneficial.

For Christian women who intend to get married:

• It is extremely important to find out where a man is spiritually before marriage.

• This may seem quite obvious, but women can be overwhelmed be feelings, emotions, and desire for a husband.

• Felings of neediness, loneliness, and fantasy can bring a woman to a place where she may not consider important steps to take before becoming involved with a man. She may miss red flags.

• Traditionally, many women have been socialized to believe marriage or a relationship with a man is the primary goal in life. Some women look past many warning signs, fixated on the goal of becoming a girlfriend or wife.

The godly woman cannot be a proper helpmeet to a man when she is assisting him in sinning against God.

• A woman can be strong and will make the right decisions, by the grace of God, if she keeps God first, arms herself with knowledge of His word, and applies God’s principles to all areas of her life.

• Remember, God does not leave us hanging. He has promised to never leave or forsake us.

Contentment in every season brings peace.

“Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as he have: For he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Hebrews 13: 5

He won’t leave or forsake me, but also, I do not want to turn my back on God. I realize it is wrong for me to obssess over or worry about whether or not I’m going to have a husband. I understand that it is God’s will, and God’s way for my life; not my own will and way.

My heart and desires need to align with God’s. I don’t need to worry about the rest. I do not have to be deceived. God can and will protect me as I seek Him and depend on Him. The Holy Spirit will guide me, teach me, and remind me of truth.

John 14: 26 assures of this:

But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”

Isn’t that wonderful? Through prayer, studying the word of God, and depending on His guidance, our minds will be safeguarded from deception.

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