
What secrets do you have? Are your secrets good or bad?
2 Kings 17:9 says "And the children of Israel did secretly those things that were not right against the LORD their God,…"
Secrets can be bad! Is there anything you are doing secretly that is not right? Maybe a relationship that God and your parents wouldn't approve of? Going too far in a relationship? Watching movies or reading books that are not good? Visiting bad websites or having a secret relationship on facebook or somewhere else online? Taking something that's not yours? Are you doing things behind your parent's back?
Remember, God knows your secrets! He sees everything you do secretly. Is He pleased?
Bad secrets are just not worth having.
They're not worth…
… the bad reputation
… the shame
…the broken trust
…the hurt to others
…the distance between you and God
…the fear of people finding out
… the guilty conscience

If you have any bad secrets, stop right now! Confess your sin to God and put things right.

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