Sex sin..Does God forgives?

Sex sin..Does God forgives?

Posted on June 4, 2008 Updated on June 4, 2008

The LORD has taken away your sin!

King David’s affair with Bathsheba must be the best known story of adultery in the Bible.

This is not only because King David, Israel’s greatest King is exposed as immoral, a liar and a murderer. It is also because God’s testimony about him was “I have found David the son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do” (Acts 13:22).

The sad story is told in 2 Samuel 11. The chapter ends with Bathsheba pregnant in King David’s house. Her husband has been killed and David has taken her with indecent haste as soon as the time for

mourning her husband was over. It might seem the end of the story except that “the thing David had done displeased the LORD” (vs 27)Chapter 12 opens as God sends Nathan the prophet on a dangerous mission to confront the king. One can imagine that rumors were flying around. People could work out the dates. David’s sin was not hidden though he may have thought he had got away with it because no one dared to speak to his face. Nathan has God’s command and must speak.

Families for Life

So he prepares a story that will appeal to the king’s sense of justice and generosity. It’s the story of a rich man who took a poor man’s only lamb to set before a traveler instead of one of his own sheep. David’s anger flares against the rich man.

“As surely as the LORD lives, the man who did this deserves to die!”

Then he gives sentence echoing Exodus 22:1.

“He must pay for that lamb four times

Now there is an awkward pause… a long silence. Nathan does not say “Thank you,

my Lord” as David expected. Instead, his eyes pierce to David’s heart as Nathan pronouns sentence, “You are the man!” Nathan does not stop there. Words tumble out of his mouth as all his pent up emotions pour out. Maybe David did not take in anything else Nathan said. When the prophet paused, David simply says “I have sinned against the LORD”.

You are the man,

I have sinned again the LORD

The LORD has taken away your sin.

What glorious news for all of us for we too are sinners.

Thank you, LORD


Families for life Bible Study notes and Sermon Outlines’ by David and Janet Cunningham. Family Impact. Read the full text at:

This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged adultery, Bisexuals, Christianity, church, fornication, Gays, Homosexuality, lesbian, masturbation, porn, Religion, Sex, sex sin, wife cheating.

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