Socrates.  Soul.  Spirit.  Sabbath June 16th.


Socrates, the father of philosophy, apparently said “the unexamined life is not worth living”. 

He lived 400 or so years before Christ. 

I think I would have liked Socrates.  I would have liked to watch him question dogmatic intellectuals and demonstrate they held contradictory beliefs whose arguments fell apart in their own explanations.   

Certainly I don’t agree with everything he taught, but do agree with his position on soul care.  He stressed that a human being must care for his soul more than anything else.  He concluded people cared more about wealth, reputation, and physical appearance at the high cost of neglecting their soul.  Seems not much has changed in 2500 years.

In his own pursuit of a healthy soul, it appears as though he reached the end of himself.  Socrates is famously known for concluding, “All I know is that I know nothing.” This is a dead-end from the father of philosophy. How depressing to think one might spend so much energy for the care of their soul only to bemoan knowing nothing.  It’s a humble statement for sure.  But leads me to wonder if it is the conclusion of the one who processed their soul in their own human strength.  Without divine mercy, supernatural forgiveness, and renewal by God’s Spirit, a soul remains in a desperate and unredeemed state.  

If humans are to examine their soul, they need God’s protective assistance by His Spirit.  It is a dangerous, dead-end work to examine your own soul without God’s mercy.  Jesus knows our frame and in His wisdom has determined we should look within

with Him

, and not alone.

Come to me.  Follow me.  Trust in me.  Believe in me.  Sit at my feet.  Learn from me.  Stretch forth your hand.  Look to me.  Wait on me.  Cast your cares on me.  Ask.  Keep asking.  Call on me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you DO NOT KNOW.

Processing with God is contrary to exclusive focus on your soul by yourself.  Meditating alone, ruminating on your own thoughts and feelings is something we obsessively do.  However, that type of approach leads to despair, anxiety, fanning flames of fear, disillusionment, lies as foundation, self-worship, self-hate etc. 

Of examining one’s own soul, one of God’s poets wrote-
“How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart?”

Left to our own thoughts, we despair.  Inspirational thought is fleeting.  Self-talk disappoints.

Whereas God’s way concludes with hearts rejoicing in his salvation, trusting in His mercy and goodness, having their minds renewed, their souls redeemed, and promises of new beginnings every day.  In his hands our souls receive supernatural breath of life by His Spirit
 “What no eye has seen,
    what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”–
    the things God has prepared for those who love him–

The things that God has prepared for those who love him… The things that God has prepared for those who love him…  Repeat that to yourself over and over and realize there are things prepared for you…

How can I see what my eyes can’t see?  How can I hear what my ears can’t hear?  How can I conceive what my mind cannot conceive? 

Is this another empty philosophy, another dead end?  No.  The scripture above ends like this-

These things God has revealed to us by His Spirit- 1 Corinthians 2:10.

By God’s Spirit, He promises I can see what no human eye can see.  I can hear what no human ear can hear.  I can conceive and understand what no human mind has conceived.  I can know the thoughts of God by the Spirit of God! 

God does not give a spirit that comes from the world but the Spirit who is from God.  He did this that we may understand what God has freely given us.  Children of God are not to be taught in human wisdom; but in words taught by the Spirit, receiving spiritual realities with Spirit taught words.  The person without the Spirit of God considers this foolishness and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.  The person with the Spirit is given privilege to make judgments about all things, but that person is not subject to another human making judgments about them or left to the severe limitation of their own human judgments.  The person with the Spirit has the mind of Christ and the one who instructs one with the mind of Christ is the Spirit of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:9-16).

Do you love him?  If so, there is a world of spiritual gift and promise and life for the care of your soul.

… the things God has prepared for those who love him

If you want to love him and want to believe and want what He promises, it is for you too!  He knows your frame.  He is merciful.  He is willing to reveal His nature to the one who longs to love Him yet struggles with things like shame, fear, anger, unbelief etc.  Just be willing and try and He will lovingly penetrate your self-protective walls with divine love and healing, and fill you with Himself!

There is more, so much more for those who look up and extend hands to receive good things from God!  With God, all things are possible.  With God, souls are set free!  Invite wisdom through wonder!  Through Christ and His Spirit we successfully pursue abundant life, soul prosperity, and a place of honor in His presence!  The ultimate soul care!

“But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.  I will sing the LORD’s praise, for he had been good to me.”- Psalm 13:5

Come and spend time with Him.  Walk with Him and practice talking with Him.  Learn of His good nature and receive His tender mercies.  Find rest for your soul in His presence. 

You are invited to do this at a short Sabbath retreat on Saturday June 16th.  Please visit the calendar page to sign up.  The time will be reflective and revitalizing.  No one is expected to share in groups and individual privacy and processing will be honored.  We’ll start as a group with a preparatory meditation; then you will have time to walk alone within the park (or sit quietly in the park- your preference) assisted by a simple meditative exercise of your choice.  We’ll gather as a group for a meditation after the walk to root our hearts more deeply into the love and promises of Christ.  The time is meant to refresh and renew!  More detail will come to those who sign up.  Hope you join!

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