Sunday Stillness - How to Live in My Father's House - Growing Through God's Word

Sunday Stillness – How to Live in My Father’s House


In the next few weeks I plan to muse about my time on a mission trip in Poland. This week is the first of a series. As my thoughts unfold, as I wrestle with what I saw, and as I get over jet lag, I hope to express to you how God is working in my life.

During my time in Poland we sang a chorus to Big House by Audio Adrenaline.  It reminded me that no matter where I go or what I do, I need to be in my Father’s house and to be “about my Father’s business”.

Here are the words to the chorus:

Come and go with me
To my Father’s house
Come and go with me
To my Father’s house

It’s a big, big house
With lots and lots of room
A big, big table
With lots and lots of food
A big, big yard
Where we can play football
A big, big house
It’s my Father’s house

Obviously we have changed it to mean our Father’s House and so I capitalized Father. If you want to hear the tune you can listen and watch on YouTube.

But it started me thinking. Then I read Oswald Chambers this morning.

Prayer in The Father’s House

And he said to them, “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49, ESV).

We had a Bible study in Poland that talked about the “Narrow Door” to God. But it also talked about the time when the door will shut and no one else will be able to enter. It is a powerful passage. The Master says to some, “Sorry, you’re not on my guest list.” Luke 13:22-30 (The Message).

So I ask, does Jesus know me? Am I about my Father’s business?

Then to make it absolutely certain that God was talking to me, I was led to a sermon by Charles Sturgeon – yes on the same topic.

It is amazing how God connects things for me so I will understand.

Charles Spurgeon’s sermon was entitled, Jesus About His Father’s Business.

Salvation is here called God’s work: “it is my meat to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.”

I think this shows that you and I need to work on working out our salvation – not sit on the sidelines watching. Jesus tells us to work hard.

So what are you hearing from Him?

Make sure you take time to listen carefully and then obey without haste.


Thanks, Lord, for the opportunity to go to Poland. Thanks for showing me how to show Your love to Your people. Thanks for leading me to speak Your words so others will know You. Continue to lead and guide me so I can be about “My Father’s Business”. In Jesus’ name. AMEN.


Am I going about my Father’s business? (tweet this)

Read the first in a series of my thoughts on my mission trip to Poland. (tweet this)

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