Ten Ways Women Self-Sabotage. - Impacting Righteously

There are many perks to being a woman. Living righteously adds even more joy to our lives! However, sometimes, the things we think and do are not righteous, and can cause unnecessary pain and stress in our lives.

Here are some joy stealers to avoid:

1) Having idols- Whether it be the idol of happiness, having a man in our life, or coveting other people, places, things and situations. For Christians, God is our source of provision and our all and all.

2) Self-hating- If a woman does not love or value herself, this is unhealthy. She can also expect to attract other people who don’t love and value her.

3) Comparing ourselves to others- Hating on and competing unhealthily with others leads to misery and dissatisfaction. Envying of women and others should be put away immediately.

4) Being careless/carefree in a dangerous world- Being casual, too trusting and not walking circumspectly has cost women a lot, including some women their lives.

5) Dressing for the wrong kind of attention- Personal attire is an individual choice and a sensitive matter. It is very helpful for women to dress in a way that uses wisdom, modesty, and commands respect. Dressing for attention can turn into unhealthy competition against other women.

Sometimes, women get more than they anticipate from men, due to the way they dress. I understand as a woman, that my focus should primarily be on having godly character. At the same time, women can still adorn themselves outwardly in a modest and classy way!

6) Putting heads in the sand- Lots of women do this in many situations, especially in relationships with men. Ignoring problems will not cause them to go away. The problems will likely get worse.

7) Using people- Women should seek to be a blessing to others and associate with others with pure motives. It is good not to have a hidden, impure agenda. Others should not be held accountable for hidden expectations they didn’t even know they were supposed to meet.

8) Fearing solitude- It really is okay to spend time with oneself. In fact, it is healthy to take a time out. Fearing solitude causes many women to use others, and also to keep the wrong kinds of people around them.

9) Trying to be super woman- Some women simply do too much. Women benefit from learning how to set healthy boundaries and learning to say no when necessary.

10) Wavering in faith/truth- It is good for a woman not to be moved, if she is in truth. She should stay strong. Remain anchored in truth. Too often, women are able to be worn down, persuaded, and coaxed away from what is right. Especially, by men they are interested in. Stand firm. Praying for God’s strength to do so will be very beneficial.

How we treat others certainly will come back on us.

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6-7.

It is important to be pure in heart and to love one another.

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1: 7.

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