The beatific community of the king (podcast)

How do we become blessed? Do the Beatitudes tell me how to get the blessing? Or was Jesus speaking as the king elect, describing how beautiful the community under his heaven-appointed leadership would be?

What are the Beatitudes? What are they calling us to do or be?

This podcast (36 minutes) pulls together the most crucial expression of the kingdom of God I’ve ever found the words to articulate. Based on Matthew 5:1-16, it’s from the series, Formed in God’s Story: Matthew.

What’s your vision of the ideal society? In my first year of English at university, we were invited to write an essay on utopia. If I was writing that essay today, Jesus’ vision is what I’d present. His vision is as refreshing as it is challenging. It’s as practical as it is inspired. This is how his reign restores us as the blessed world God created.

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Author: Allen Browne

Seeking to understand Jesus in the terms he chose to describe himself: son of man (his identity), and kingdom of God (his mission). Riverview Church, Perth, Western Australia


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