The Food Man
I first heard of Jesus at the dinner table. Mom and Dad were talking about him. Really, everybody was. Here was this man going around the area teaching people how to live within the laws but beyond the law Moses had given us. He was also healing people, a lot of people. Word had it Jesus was coming to where I lived. This was amazing to me. I couldn’t wait.
The parts of his story that Mom and Dad struggled to believe I accepted. So what if he was born to a woman in Bethlehem? Isn’t that how everyone enters life? Besides, growing up here, he knew and understood how hard life was for us, especially for a kid, in these parts. In general, women were mistreated, but kids were treated even worse. In my culture, kids were the lowest of the pecking order. Some even considered us disposable.
On the day Jesus arrived, I packed a pretty good lunch for myself. My family headed out early. We wanted to get a good spot so we could see everything. Apparently, everyone else had the same idea. There were so many people there. I think the whole town must have closed up shop. I mean, there were at least 5,000, and that’s just counting the men. I don’t have any idea how many women and kids were there because we didn’t count, remember?
When Jesus arrived, he climbed high upon a rock so that most people could see and hear him. His teachings were like nothing I had ever heard before! At times, he would take a break from teaching and heal people. It was in those moments that everyone would really pay attention to what he was doing.
The next thing we knew, it was getting pretty late in the day. People were starting to listen more to their stomachs than to Jesus. I don’t know how in the world Jesus wasn’t hungry. He must have been in the spirit; therefore, he was not aware of the things of this world. He had been working hard for the biggest part of the day. It was about this time his disciples noticed the crowd stirring. One of them approached Jesus, interrupting his teaching. You could tell he didn’t want to do this, but either he was the boldest of the twelve, or he drew the shortest straw of grass. Later, I heard someone call him Peter.
I’m not sure exactly what Jesus said to him, but Peter gave him a look I had given my mother a few times. That look that says, “Are you kidding me?” Someone behind me must have been able to read lips because he was telling people that Jesus had just told Peter to feed us. Hah! You have got to be kidding. No wonder Peter gave Jesus that look. Everybody who was realizing what was said began to laugh. I started thinking, “Well, if everybody gave some of what they had brought and we put it all together, everybody would get something at least.”
I watched as the disciples went around trying to collect food from everyone, anyone, but people were saying no or lying about bringing food altogether. I don’t understand this. I know people brought food. Why wouldn’t they turn it over? I heard a lot of grumbling and complaining. “I’m not about to give what I brought! It just isn’t enough!” Another said, “Jesus must be crazy!” One said, “Why doesn’t he just end this and send everyone back home?” Still, another said, “It’s such a small amount. What could Jesus do with this?”
I started getting very upset with these people. I thought, “What’s wrong with them? They have just heard one of the best sermons. You’re telling me that they have already forgotten what Jesus said? And they haven’t even gotten dismissed yet! And what about the miracles they’ve just witnessed? Did that not stir their hearts or build their faith? This is the Son of God here, people!”
I told my mother I was going to give over the food I had brought. She patted me on the back and said, “Honey, you really don’t have to do that. Jesus will certainly understand.” “But mom!” I replied. “This is Jesus.” She studied my face for what seemed like forever and said with such tenderness, “Then you go ahead.”
I think Thomas is the disciple who I handed over my food to. He looked at me, patted me on the head, and said, “Ah, thanks, kid, but I doubt this will help at all.” I looked at him squarely in the eyes and said, “Look, just place it in the hands of Jesus.” He just froze there for a bit and then assured me he would.
It seemed as if it didn’t take that long for the twelve to make their way through the crowd. The disciples handed over to Jesus what they had collected. He looked at it for a while as one disappointed. Disappointed, perhaps, because only one in the crowd, without understanding “how,” gave. Then Jesus instructed that the men were to be seated in groups of fifty. I didn’t think this was for Jesus’ benefit but for ours. I believe he wanted the people to know just how great this miracle was going to be.
Jesus then took the food, looked up to his Heavenly Father, and prayed over it. Then he broke it and handed it to his disciple. The disciple broke it and passed it on. It was as if Jesus was saying, “Pass the blessing on.” One man after the other broke the bread and the fish and passed it on to the next man. Finally, it made its way back to me. I smiled… I knew Jesus was awesome, but to take so little and do something great with it, wow! After everyone had seemed to eat enough, not even trying to save room for dessert, Jesus commanded his disciples to gather the leftovers. Would you believe there were twelve baskets of food left over? You talk about “The God of more than enough.” it was then I noticed that those who withheld their food looked ashamed.
To the day I died, people called me “The Food Man.” I’m not sure if it’s because I went on to feed people through the food pantry I ran or because of the day I gave Jesus my lunch, but I never let go of the truth of putting anything in God’s hand, no matter how small and watch him do something mighty with it.
(The actual account can be found in the Bible. John 6:1-15)
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Copyright © 2025 Mark Brady. All rights reserved.