The "iWork4Him Nation" Convenant - Tenet THREE — iWork4Him

Befriending those you work alongside outside of the work environment.

Relationships spur opportunity to share your life in Jesus. Friendships developed during the workday are good, but when you take that relationship outside of the office, into your home, those relationships can really grow. There is nothing like sharing a meal at your dinner table to really find out who someone is.

This does not apply to everyone you work with. If you're single you shouldn't use this idea as a dating service. Men should engage in friendships with men and women with women.

Try hosting people in your home or over dinner somewhere where you can really get to know them. When you get to know them, you will eventually get an opportunity to share who you are, including who Jesus is in you.

Relationships give us a platform for sharing what Christ has done in our lives. We have to earn that right, sometimes.

If you're married, invite your coworker and their spouse or significant other into your home. Let your marriage be a light as well.

If you're single, invite a group of coworkers and their significant other into your home. Let your lifestyle be a light as well.

I've got lots more ideas for you. All you have to do is email me:

We can all do dinner with a purpose.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NLT)

9 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. 10 If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.

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