My family and I are taking a huge step of faith as we respond to follow the call of God and begin a new season of ministry. [Read about our new transition] Like any major step of faith or big move, there are so many factors and details that effect every area of our lives. From where to live, making enough money, where to send our kids to school, timing, relationships and many, many more.Even with all of the questions, and concerns associated with this kind of move, we are moving forward with great peace and confidence. Not that there haven't been some fears that try to mess with us. The answer to having confidence even during a big step, is found in the story of Peter walking on the water to Jesus.

Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said.Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. (Matthew 14:25-29)

As you start walking out what you sense God doing in your life, you'll have a tendency to try to answer questions like: "how will this work? "how will I get it done?" "how will we survive?" But before we answer those concerns, there is only one question that matters. "Who is calling you?"

I don't need all the details, I just need to know if it's Jesus!

In the incredible story of Peter walking on the water, Peter didn't say, "Jesus, if it's you, show me how to walk on water," He just said, "if it's you, tell me to come."THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE TAKING A STEP OF FAITH IS: IS IT JESUS?All Peter needed to know before he made that bold move was, "Is it Jesus." My question when facing a new step of faith cannot be, "can I handle it?" or "Am I qualified?" or "does everyone like it?" Rather, the first thing I want to know is, "Is it Jesus?" Because of it is, then I'm coming!! Yes, there will still be a lot of factors to work out as you go, but those are the details of the decisions not the driver.In the story of Peter walking on the water, it finishes the story revealing that even through Peter began in great faith, he started getting his eyes off Jesus and onto the waves; once that happened he began to sink. Over the past few weeks of this transition, one of the primary things I've paid attention to was what my eyes were focusing on. The more I focus on "working out" all of the details the more fear I began to feel, in contrast, the more time I spend in worship, his word and in prayer, the more bold and full of faith I become. Just like Peter, when we have our eyes on Jesus, we stand; if we take our eyes off Jesus, we sink.You may feel like your dream is crazy, or beyond you, or impossible, but if it's Jesus calling, you have all that you need to fulfill his purpose! [More: 6 Thoughts on Taking a Step of Faith]

The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it. (1 Thessalonians 5:24)

I know, you have a million thoughts you're trying to figure out, and all of your friends and family want answers to the how and what. But forget all that and answer me this, "Is it Jesus?" Is the creator and savior of the world the one calling you out to walk on water? If it's Jesus, don't delay, follow Peter's example and jump out of the boat onto the water with great confidence knowing that God's with you. Let me end by encouraging  you to ask yourself this question:

Is there anything that Jesus has called and gifted me to do, that I'm not doing?

Samuel Deuth

Passionate follower of Jesus! My amazing wife Katie, and our two girls are living our whole lives to see God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven; we’re also having the most fun in the process with our family and great Awaken Church community!


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Samuel Deuth

Samuel passionately serve Jesus, focusing on strengthening and equipping the Church through discipleship, leadership coaching, and prophetic ministry.