Unloved — Broken & Hopeful

Although most parents and people around us try to love well, sometimes they miss the mark a bit. Sometimes people are fighting their own insecurities so much that they lash out at others to try to make themselves feel better. Of course, that doesn’t work, and instead leaves a person feeling even less loved. Sometimes we can even take the feeling of being unloved to the extreme of being unlovable. No one will ever be able to love me because I’m just too _____ or I’m just not _____. The identity message of being unloved leads us to the extremes of either searching the world over for someone who might love us, or closing down completely in case we are ever vulnerable to another person who can convey this message yet again. We hear over and over that we just want to find someone who will love us unconditionally, but we are very conditional beings.

This message is compounded by romantic interests who find someone else, friends who betray us and other hurts that keep making us feel unloved.

Jesus is the Lover of your soul, and loved you to the point of dying on the cross and covering you in His blood. He refers to you as His beloved. If you ever doubt the love of God for you, read Song of Solomon and recognize the aching of God for you illustrated throughout that beautiful writing. God recognized He couldn’t be with humanity after we chose sin, so in His overcoming love He sacrificed His own beloved Son in order to bring restoration to that relationship with us. 

And more than that, He chooses to put His Spirit within us, to live on a daily basis with us here in the muck and mire of life. He doesn’t wait until we are cleaned up and shiny—He walks right into that mess and holds us close. This love of His just blows me away with its perseverance, faithfulness and strength. If He loves you this much, you are not unloved. You are loved beyond what you can even comprehend. Instead of searching for the conditional human love that doesn’t satisfy, try turning to Him and allowing Him to speak to you of His great love for you.

Who you aren’t: Unloved

Who you are: Loved beyond comprehension

Who God is: Lover of your soul

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

My beloved responded and said to me, “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come along.” Song of Solomon 2:10

Do you feel unloved today? Will you remind yourself of the great Lover of your soul who will never separate you from His love?

 Interested in reading the rest of the book? You can order Identity: Truth vs. Lie; Short Simple Reminders of Who You Are in Christ here on the website or on Amazon in paperback or ebook form here.

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