What is Your Purpose?

You were born for a purpose!  God created each of us for a reason, and we are
happiest when we are living in harmony with that purpose.  You need to know what it is.

Many people have no idea what life is all about.  They live and they die, searching for some
kind of meaning, wondering whether their lives have purpose, whether they
really matter in the grand scheme of things.  They may have put together the finest coin
collection in the world, or they may have been voted “most popular”
in high school, but all too soon, youthful plans and dreams evaporate into
anxiety and frustration over missed opportunities, failed relationships, or numerous
other “if only” and “might have been.”

Many people live empty lives that have no purpose or
meaning beyond the short-term satisfaction of money, sex, or popularity.  None of that means anything, especially when
the shadow of death begins to approach.  But
our lives could be much more, because God offers each of us considerably more
than this.  He offers us true
significance and worth, the joy of being what He created us to be.

But God not only desires for you to be like Jesus was
2,000 years ago, but to be like Jesus is now, resurrected, immortal, filled
with glory and power!  He “…will transform our lowly bodies so
that they will be like his glorious body.”
(Philippians 3:21)  Paul also reminds us that, “If we have been united with him like this
in his death, we will certainly also be united with him in his resurrection.”

(Romans 6:5)  And the Apostle John promises
us that “…when he appears, we shall
be like him.”
(1 John 3:2)

Now, this is not something we can achieve on our
own.  Only God can accomplish it in us.  We have to accept His invitation to get out of
the dirt of this life, repent of our sins, and commit our life completely to

Have you thought about accepting His invitation?  If you do, you may, or may not, see amazing
results right away, but your life will definitely take on new meaning.  You’ll be given purpose and a new understanding
of where you’re going and why, new strength, new courage and, “…the peace of God, which transcends all
(Philippians 4:7a)

This is the future God
has planned for you
, your destiny,
if you embrace it fully with an obedient heart, and remain a dedicated and faithful
follower of God and His teachings as revealed in the Holy Scriptures!

Will you accept the invitation? 

Can God change your life?

God has made it possible for you
to know Him, and experience an amazing
change in your own life.

Discover how you can find peace
with God.

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