KIMI is different. What makes us different? There’s no doubt about it. But there are good reasons for it! Our wonderful differences is what make our resources, conferences, training schools, and curriculums so unique. Let’s just start with the curriculums, because every church and Sunday School needs good teaching material. Why should you consider our curriculums over others? It’s what makes us different form other children’s ministries.

We Fill an Important Void in the World of Teaching Materials

compare covers oagOne of the most important things that make KIMI Curriculums different from others is that our materials are written specifically for Spirit-filled churches, i.e. those who believe in the baptism in the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, hearing God’s voice, healing, that the gifts of the Spirit are for today, and who believe in walking in the supernatural lifestyle of God found in Scripture.

The majority of curriculum publishers are looking to serve the broader Evangelical community, where these topics are too controversial. Even basic doctrines like water baptism are too divisive for most of them, because of the wide range of beliefs about each subject. (For instance, do we dunk or do we sprinkle?)

In our experience, even denominations who are either Pentecostal or Charismatic many times hesitate to approach these subjects in many cases. This is because they have become more seeker sensitive, meaning they do not want to scare new believers or non-believers from their services through the unfamiliar moving of the gifts of the Spirit. While there may be merit to this thinking in some cases, we believe there are parents and church leaders who are hungry for material that goes beyond the basic Bible stories and teaches children solid Bible doctrine. We believe we are filling a very important void in the world of church curriculum ideas.

Should We Feed Our Kids Spiritual Milk or Meat?

bottleSecondly, our curriculums deliberately address the basic foundational doctrines of the Bible, what we believe is the “meat” of God’s Word, rather than keeping children on the “milk” (Bible stories) for the first twelve years of their lives. (See “What to Teach Children and Why?”) How old is a baby in the natural when he stops drinking nothing but milk, but goes on to solid food? It’s generally within the first year of life, yet somehow in the Church, we have decided kids are only capable of handling basic Bible stories over and over again until they are twelve years old. We believe our kids are ready and eager to eat the meat of the Word. When broken down into small enough, bite-sized pieces, and filled with creative, simple to understand visuals and object lessons, such as those in our lessons, they can understand any doctrine in the Bible that adults can.

Children’s Church vs. Sunday School

Our curriculums are primarily written to be used in a children’s church setting rather than the Sunday School classroom, primarily because we feel the children’s church environment is much more conducive to a move of the Holy Spirit. We deliberately design each of our lessons to take the children into “the Holy of Holies” and encounter God’s presence. (See the “Tabernacle Pattern of Children’s Ministry.”)This is one of the earmarks of our materials, and what makes ours so much different from others in the children’s ministry world. We do not believe it is enough to simply teach and give our children information. We believe they are crying out for a touch from the Holy Spirit. We believe today’s generation of children are hungry for the supernatural, so in each of our lessons, we give you ideas of how to usher in the presence of God, and give your children an authentic experience with Him on a weekly basis, and not just once a year at kids camp! (See “Altar Services as an Art Form.”)

Equip the Little Saints

IMG_0834Finally, our curriculums literally “equip the little saints for the work of the ministry” (Ephesians 4:11). (See “True Mentoring and Discipling of Children.“) By the time you diligently, and systematically go through our curriculums, your children will more than likely be saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, speak in tongues, will be intercessors and prayers warriors, worshipers, they will know how to heal the sick, hear God’s voice, be led by the Spirit, and much more. In other words, as you dedicate yourself to teaching from these topics, over a period of time your children will be functioning soldiers in the army of God, and not just observers on the sidelines of Christianity!

Becky Fischer, apostolic minister, author, public speaker, graphic artist, entrepreneur, and more is the founder and director of Kids in Ministry International (KIMI). KIMI, founded in 2001, is a multifaceted ministry that trains children to walk in the supernatural power of God. It also equips leaders and parents to equip children the same way. Becky has been in children’s ministry over 30 years, ten years as a children’s pastor and twenty years as the director of KIMI. She, along with her international teams, has trained thousands of children, teens, parents, and children’s workers through conferences, Bible schools, mission trips, churches and resource materials in over 50 nations. Becky herself has ministered in 29 of those nations.