When Life Gets Steeper...

I read this devotion tonight and it was just the encouragement I needed. Our lives have changed in a good way and I am still adjusting to it all. I hope it's an encouragement to you,too.

The Lord will guide you always. Isaiah 58:11
He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights. Habakkuk 3:19 

Advance into each new experience on your knees. Faith does not concern itself with the entire journey. That first step is all that is needed. Breathe a prayer for courage to fill your legs as well as your heart as you face the unknown, the unexpected. Put your hand into the hand of God. He gives the calmness and serenity of heart and soul. As He endures, you too can endure the climb over sharp rocks and crags. Climb with Him to the end–yea, even to the end of life's trail. "The peak that is nearest the storm cloud is nearer the stars of light." He gives the courage for which you pray to rise above the valley. Heed the Masters's voice and press bravely on to the fulfillment of your task. You have a whole lifetime to scale.

A Voice said, "CLIMB." And he said, "How shall I climb?
The mountains are so steep that I cannot climb."
The Voice said, "CLIMB or DIE."
He said, "But how? I see no way up those steep ascents.
This that is asked of me is too hard for me."
The Voice said, "CLIMB or PERISH, soul and body of thee, mind and spirit of thee. There is no second choice for any son of man. CLIMB or DIE."

Some of the bravest mountaineers have related incredible tales concerning their climbs up the hills of earth. Sometimes they were aware of the presence of a Companion who was not among the earthly party of climbers on the mountains.
How much more positive is the presence of the Heavenly Guide as God's mountaineers climb the high places of the Spirit!
God's mountain climbers are created to walk in precarious places, not on the easy levels of life.
Do not limit the Limitless God! With Him face the new trail and follow on unafraid, for you walk not alone!

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