Who am I? What is Identity in Christ? 3 Inspiring Answers to Life Changing Questions

When I was a little girl, my family attended church regularly and I loved it!  I felt God near me, learned the Bible, and was embraced by our community of faith. I participated in children’s programs, went to kids camps, and was involved in Youth for Christ. I felt loved and secure in my identity in Christ.

During my childhood, seeds of God’s love were planted, ready to take root and blossom. I placed a high value on my faith and thought I grasped, what is identity in Christ.

At this stage of life, finding answers to the life-changing questions, “who am I” and “what is identity in Christ” were not part of my thoughts or conversations.

I never dreamed I would question my identity, purpose, or relationship with Christ.

What is Identity in Christ? My Period of Questioning

The longing to understand who am I and what I was going to do with my life began to develop after I became a teenager, as it does for most. I began to test what I believed and what is an identity in Christ. I questioned, how did faith apply to my life.

It should have been simple because the answers to my questions about identity in Christ were right in front of me and modeled by many people in my church.

It is hard to pinpoint when or why, but I started to feel dissatisfied with my life and felt something was missing. I started looking in the wrong places and listening to the wrong voices.

The assuring voice of God and His quiet whispers in my heart became background to the blaring sights and sounds begging for my attention.

Although I understood that I was born with a unique identity, a one-of-a-kind fingerprint, I searched for a deeper meaning to the lingering question who am I in Christ?. I tried to sort the conflicting messages I was receiving about what is identity in Christ.

It was not one impulsive decision but a slow decay of convictions that led me to start favoring counterfeits over God.

Along the way, my true identity in Christ got foggy as I followed paths and people that looked promising but led to disappointment.

For 10 years I sampled the world my way and found career success, some good friends, and a lot of fun, but also a lot of pain. In my wanderings, the deep ache in my soul was always present.

My decisions led to confusion and hurt as the distractions around me fell flat. I started to feel as if I was spinning around searching everywhere for my identity and never feeling satisfied.

One day I found myself empty and alone and searching for the God of my childhood to find relief.

In my search for relevance, I had lost sight of my true identity in Christ and found the counterfeits lacking.

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What does the Bible say about Identity in Christ?

When I faced my identity crisis, I reached out to a friend who I admired and knew had a strong faith. He invited me to a Bible Study that was held every week in his home.

In my despair, despite feeling nervous and awkward, I walked into his house, and it changed my life.

What does the Bible say about Identity in Christ? Julio and his wife, Sherry, answered this question and taught the life-giving message that Jesus loves us just the way we are. No need to change a thing, just ask Jesus to be a part of your life.

Although I had heard of Jesus and his love for me, this message of complete acceptance grabbed hold of the longing and doubts and began to open my heart to the whispers of God.

I searched for the answers to who am I in Christ and what is identity in Christ with a new focus and determination and began to understand how God saw me. I began to study the Bible with a renewed passion to learn what does the Bible say about Identity in Christ.

What is Our Identity in Christ?

Our identity is best defined when we fully accept who Jesus says we are. Three inspiring answers to what is our identity in Christ are found when we realize how God sees us and what God says about us.

3 Inspiring Answers to What is Our Identity in Christ:

  • We are Forgiven

We are forgiven regardless of what we have done in our lives; all can soak in the forgiveness that Christ offers. I tried to attach my identity to various things and people, with disappointing results. But God’s forgiveness and acceptance are all-encompassing with no restrictions.

Jesus doesn’t have to evaluate us and our choices. The price was already paid when He died on an old wooden cross in Jerusalem. Forgiveness is waiting for us to accept it.

“For this is how God loved the world; He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”

John 3:16 NLT

  • We are Loved

It can be difficult to believe in God’s unconditional love for us when it is compared to the conditional love that is so frequently offered. But God is faithful to us.

We are loved by God and His love is recorded throughout scripture, and I have seen the great love of God demonstrated. Jesus loves us unconditionally and demonstrated it by laying down His life.

“Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds.”

Psalm 36:5 NLT

  • We are Called

We are called by God to embrace our identity in Christ and walk in love, righteousness, and purpose. The rewards are unending; not the type of reward that brings temporary satisfaction but deep soul satisfaction.

I am convinced of this because I have tried to find purpose in many ways. The disappointing results have cemented my assurance that to walk in God’s purpose is far superior then walking alone.

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What is Spiritual Identity and How do I find it?

Once I truly grasped the sweet promise Jesus offered, the path to find my identity in Christ became apparent. In my bedroom, one night in April of 1993, I made the decision to let Jesus be the boss of me.

I realized what is spiritual identity and how do I find it is simply linked to believing in Jesus and accepting His love for me. I decided to trust Him completely with my life. At that moment I acknowledged Jesus as king over my heart, mind, and soul and believed He embraced every part of me.

I have never looked back.

After making that life-changing decision, the path to finding my identity in Christ became clear and illuminated. I began to study the Bible with renewed interest and desire.

I asked questions of people who exuded joy, love, humility, and peace. I found a church that could walk beside me where I could serve and grow.

My transformation began that long-ago night and has continued throughout my life. What God says about my Identity has become more important than any other voice trying to gain attention–Jesus came to deliver us from a confused identity and be the source in our search to find out who we are.

Resting in the confidence of my Identity in Christ has brought the true revelation of who am I in Christ and why I was created.

What Does it Mean When my True Identity is in Christ?

As I have grown to understand what does it mean when my true identity is in Christ, the benefits have been overwhelming. I found a new purpose, true contentment, and the ability to better love those around me.

I have learned to trust God in good times and during times of discouragement and loss. My true identity in Christ transformed my life and helped me learn to encourage those around me,

 “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT

As the scripture states a new life began for me. Not in the physical sense, but in a new place of belonging that brought internal freedom I had never experienced before. When we are secure in our identity in Christ, we realize four important truths.

What Does it Mean When my Identity is in Christ? 4 Truths

  • Our Identity in Christ means we are part of God’s family.

Knowing I am part of a greater mission and walk beside a family of other transformed people brings great joy and comfort.

  • Our Identity in Christ means we can call out to God in prayer.

God is always available to communicate with us whether in adoration, praise, or cries for help in our darkest hours.

“When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I’ll listen.” Jeremiah 29:12 MSG

  • Our Identity in Christ means we are surrounded by a community of believers who provide love and support and help us grow.

As humans, unconditional love toward others is almost impossible until we factor in our relationship with Christ and how His transformative power causes His love to shine through us.

Relationships are life-giving and nourish our souls. They can also cause pain and conflict. But knowing our identity in Christ brings new tools to live peacefully with others and enjoy the benefits of living in healthy relationships.

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Who in the Bible Struggled with Identity?

The Bible is built on the narrative of people whose contributions both positive and negative, provide the foundation of the Christian faith. Just as we struggle to understand our identity in Christ, the journey and struggles with their identity are documented in scripture.

Who in the Bible struggled with identity? Many Biblical characters struggled with identity including three heroes of the Bible, Moses, Paul, and Peter. Understanding their human conflicts and how they were still loved and used by God, can provide the support and comfort we need for our questions and faltering faith.

What can we learn from Moses about our Identity in Christ?

The life of the prophet Moses is familiar through scripture, movies, and books; he is responsible for the rescue of the Jewish people from slavery, leading them to the promised land, and delivering the Ten Commandments.

Moses’ mother saved this future ambassador and prophet by placing him in a basket in the Nile during a period in history where the Egyptian Pharaoh ordered all Hebrew babies killed.

Moses is raised as the Pharaoh’s grandson which helps him acquire needed life skills to prepare him for his future calling. I imagine he was a confident, perhaps cocky child who was given much power and control.

But before he could use the wisdom and strength acquired in the Pharaoh’s family and become the leader he is destined to be, he questioned his identity.

One day He stands up for injustice against the Hebrews, but in his anger kills an Egyptian. When questioned by a fellow Egyptian, “who do you think you are, telling us what to do?” He panics and flees Egypt.

Maybe he acted out of impulse or frustration; perhaps Moses always struggled feeling like a fraud. His identity took a detour for many years after he fled his home until he was approached by God to get back on track: he had a job to do despite his setback and flaws.

He once again questions his identity when God calls him to return to Egypt to rescue the enslaved Hebrews,

“But why me? What makes you think that I could ever go to Pharaoh and lead the children of Israel out of Egypt?”

Exodus 3:11

When we wonder who in the Bible struggles with their identity, Moses gives us examples where he questions who he is and what he is being asked to do but proceeds anyway.

What can we learn from Moses? Despite his recorded struggles with his identity, he is a man who finally embraces his identity and impacts many in his imperfect human way.

What can we learn from Paul about our Identity in Christ?

Paul the Apostle, another well-known Biblical character who struggled with his identity, is considered by many scholars to be one of the most influential leaders in the early Christian church. He was a well-documented missionary, spreading the gospel of Jesus to Jews and Gentiles alike and wrote half of the New Testament.

He was the son of a Jewish Pharisee and at birth was given the name Saul. He began his work as a dynamic, zealous crusader against Christians. His identity struggles probably began at a young age and he continued for years to raise dangerous havoc for believers.

He probably walked around with emboldened confidence as a representative of the Jewish high priests, causing pain, destruction, and death to followers of Christ.

Among the many atrocities attributed to Saul and his followers was the instigation and approval of the stoning of Stephen considered the first Christian martyr.

But his identification with cruelty and hate was soon challenged when He was called to become a leader, writer, and speaker of the truth. Paul, who wore many masks as a defiant, came face to face with God who questioned him about his identity.

One day God called to him on the road to Damascus,

“Saul, Saul why are you persecuting me?”. At that moment Saul asked, “Lord what do you want me to do?”

Acts 9:4-6

What can we learn from Paul? From the moment of that encounter, Saul changed direction, was transformed, and began to embrace his true identity with a new name, Paul. Instead of being defined by evil he began to be defined by God.

His work and writings now classify him as a true Biblical hero with an identity firmly planted in Jesus who went on to lead the growth in Christianity.

What can we learn from Peter about our Identity in Christ?

Peter was an uneducated, fisherman when he encountered Jesus and was called to follow Him. After he became a disciple of Christ, his identity as a fisherman was not changed but redefined as a catcher of souls instead of fish.

The gospels record many instances of a growing relationship between Jesus and Peter including the witnessing of the transfiguration where Jesus’ true divinity is revealed, and his walking on water to go meet Jesus.

What can we learn from Peter? He is strong in his convictions and identity and leads the other apostles during the ministry of Christ and after his death. He is a strong influencer in the spread of Christianity and is called to be the rock of the church.

But the most memorable story where we learn from Peter is when he struggles the most with his identity. He loses sight of his greatest calling, when he, as predicted, rebukes and denies Jesus 3 times.

“Peter swore, “A curse on me if I’m lying””I don’t know the man!” And immediately the rooster crowed.

Suddenly, Jesus’ words flashed through Peter’s mind:  “Before the rooster crows, you will deny three times that you even know me.”  And he went away, weeping bitterly.”

Matthew 26:74-75 NLT

Peter’s identity is shaken many times throughout scripture but his commitment to his calling and its impact on Christianity and the early church stand strong. He also authored two books in the New Testament, 1-2 Peter, which were instrumental in the growth of the early church.

When we reflect on who in the Bible struggled with their identity, it is amazing to me that the list includes Moses, Paul, and Peter.

God continued to use them for great feats— just as He uses us after weaknesses are revealed in our ability to stay true to our identity in Christ.

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Bible Verses about Our Identity in Christ

There are many Bible verses about our identity in Christ to help us understand and stay rooted in our faith. Here are a few verses about our identity in Christ to help you get started:

Psalm 139 is a beautiful passage that reveals the beauty of human creation:

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!”

Psalm 139:13-14 NLT

Ephesians 2 speaks of the beauty of our new identity in Christ:

  “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

Ephesians 2:10 NLT

Romans 6 tells us we walk in the newness of life when we turn to Christ:

 “We have therefore been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory  and  power of the Father, we too might walk  habitually  in newness of life [abandoning our old ways].”

Romans 6:4 AMP

Bible Verses about Who am I in Christ? 

There are many Bible verses about our identity in Christ and how understanding that one important reality gives us the confidence to live boldly and freely. Here are some of my favorite bible verses about Who am I in Christ:

1 John 3:1

Song of Songs 2:4

1 Chronicles 16:34

Psalm 36

2 Timothy 2:8-10

Romans 8:28

Philippians 1:6

1 Corinthians 1:26-29

Philippians 4:6

Psalm 102:17

James 5:16

What is My Identity in Jesus Christ?

Just as Bible characters struggled with their identity, I walk out my identity day by day. I have doubts, failures, and disappointments, but never waver on being defined as a child of God and understanding what is my identity in Jesus Christ.

When I feel disillusioned, I turn to what Jesus said as He walked through the trials of His life. He faced pain to the point of death but never changed His purpose and His love for others.

This knowledge empowers, encourages, and affirms my identity in Christ because I know I am defined by God and not my circumstances. I find contentment, confidence, freedom, and peace leaning not on my own understanding but on the promises of God.

The most miraculous thing is– Jesus still uses me to impact others despite my shortcomings.

Bible Studies and Books About Our Identity in Christ

If you would like to dig deeper into the study of your identity in Christ, there are many Bible studies and books that explore our identity in Christ. I have listed some books that have influenced my journey. The last study is one I wrote in 2019.

5 Bible Studies and Books about our Identity in Christ:

“Defined Who God says You are” by Stephen and Alex Kendrick

“At this very moment, what you believe about your own purpose and value affects almost every area of your life””including how you think and feel, the way you react to circumstances, and how you approach God and your relationships. But what is guiding your core beliefs? Are they healthy and founded upon solid truth? Or are they constantly shifting with the opinions of others or your own emotions?”

Defined Teen Girls’ Bible Study” by Priscilla Shirer

“You are a miracle. And that’s exactly what this Bible study for teen girls is about””your true identity in Christ. Who you really are. The culture will try to define you, your past may try to label you, the enemy will seek to deceive you, but no one has the authority to give you your name””your identity””except your Father. And He says that your uniqueness is an expression of His creative genius and is designed to reflect His glory.”

“Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis

“The book brings together C. S. Lewis’s legendary broadcast talks of the war years, talks in which he set out simply to explain and defend the belief that has been common to nearly all Christians at all times. Rejecting the boundaries that divide Christianity’s many denominations, Lewis provides an unequaled opportunity for believers and nonbelievers alike to hear a powerful, rational case for the Christian faith.”

Who do you think you are?” by Mark Driscoll

“Pastor Mark Driscoll knows that underlying our struggles in life is the issue of our identity. “The fundamental problem we have in this world,” he says, “is that we don’t understand who we truly are””children of God made in his image””and define ourselves by any number of things other than Jesus.”

Identity: Understanding and Accepting who I am in Christ” by Mary Rooney Armand

“In the midst of life’s struggles our soul craves a reminder that we are God’s chosen, His beloved with a specific purpose. This Bible Study explores our identity in Christ which helps us thrive in our relationships and discover our specific mission.”

Before you go…..

How about you? I would love to hear about your journey and how you discovered your Identity in Christ!

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