Why Is It Good To Read God’s Word Slowly?

    The Pirate Preacher

    Monday nights the Pirate Preacher leads a “Jesus Study” in Moore Square, Raleigh, NC.

    Each Sunday you will find him in the park and at the bus station helping others enjoy the abundant life Jesus promised. Our Lord says, “I came that you might have life and that you would have life in all its fullness.” (John 10:10)

    The Pirate Preacher believes we are to participate in making the fullness of Jesus complete in others. He serves as the Communication Director at Christ’s Church at Moore Square. Royalties from the sales of his books goes to feed and help those in need. The Lord has blessed him to do something he loves (write) and help others (something he also loves.)

    The Pirate Preacher helped launch Christian Devotions Ministries and is the former CEO of Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas, a Christian book publishing company. He is Executive Editor of Inspireafire.com  and Devokids.com. (If you want to write for IAF, hail this pirate!) He’s also a Writers’ Coach.


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