Why We Should Bear Others' Shortcomings - Today Can Be Different

Can you imagine how deeply our heavenly Father grieves when He sees His children mistreating each other? If I had as many children as God does, I wouldn’t last a day. Correction: I wouldn’t last five seconds.

Thankfully, God is long-suffering.

I yearned for my children to learn what it means to bear (tolerate, endure) one another’s shortcomings rather than mercilessly mocking and tattling on one another. I prayed that one day they’d work harder at helping each other succeed than at spotlighting each other’s weaknesses.

I wonder if God yearns for this too.

Sometimes, we fail to extend grace over the weaknesses of our spiritual brothers and sisters. We fall short in coming alongside them discreetly (not ignoring the issue, but choosing not to broadcast it) – with compassion – as they work to change.

Each time we expose or pick on people’s flaws, we perpetuate their shame and embarrassment and fuel their growing disappointment with themselves. God not only sees the pain we cause, but also the destruction such actions cause in our own hearts when we behave this way.

If it tugs at our hearts when one of our dearly loved children mistreats their sibling, whom we also love, imagine how much it grieves our heavenly Father when we undermine one another.

Let’s focus on the first four words of 1 Corinthians 13:7 (ESV):

Love bears all things.

Imagine what our world would look like if we accept that the people in our lives will never be perfect and chose instead to tolerate their imperfections. And pray for them to have the grace to bear with ours as well. Sometimes, the best way to love each other, besides praying for one another, is to remember that we’re all works in progress.

May we learn (and remember) how much God loves us and try to see others through His eyes of unconditional love. Then, perhaps we can move toward bearing with each other for more than five seconds at a time.

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