Worshipful Wednesday: The Living Spring - Denise Pass



Psalm 84:1-2, 4-7, 10-12

1 How lovely is the place where you live, O Lord who rules over all!  2 I desperately want to be in the courts of the Lord’s temple.  My heart and my entire being shout for joy to the living God. 4  How blessed are those who live in your temple and praise you continually! (Selah)  5 How blessed are those who find their strength in you, and long to travel the roads that lead to your temple!  6 As they pass through the Baca Valley, he provides a spring for them.  The rain even covers it with pools of water.  7 They are sustained as they travel along; each one appears before God in Zion.  10 Certainly spending just one day in your temple courts is better than spending a thousand elsewhere.  I would rather stand at the entrance to the temple of my God than live in the tents of the wicked.  11 For the Lord God is our sovereign protector.  The Lord bestows favor and honorhe withholds no good thing from those who have integrity.  12 O Lord who rules over all, how blessed are those who trust in you!

What a beautiful picture of devotion to God.  The Psalmist’s entire being is caught up with the thought of just being in God’s presence.  It is enough for him to just stand at the door, rather than to live with the wicked.  He is fully aware of the price to get to God’s temple (Heaven) but fully trusting in God to provide during the bitter moments of life in this journey with God. He is willing to pay the price and recognizes that many are not.

Reminiscent of Paul Bunyan’s novel, “Pilgrim’s Progress”, this Psalm shows the blessings of walking with God.  He is faithful.  We all will have different troubles to bear in this life, but God makes a spring in the midst of them all.  Do we perceive it?  Or are we focused on the difficulties instead?

It is easy to focus on the uncomfortable thorns which pierce our flesh and dissipate temporal happiness.  Our attention is upon that thing which distracts us from joy, but looking toward the reward of the temple of God is the most beautiful spring in the middle of every valley.  He is our living joy and those who long for Him are satisfied in His presence.

Lord, I worship You for providing nourishment and refreshment along every path in our walk with You.  Help us to recognize your springs in the midst of the desert and on the mountain tops.  You are enough.

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