Advent, Thirty Days of Jesus: Day 12, The Son!
By Elizabeth Prata We’ve flowed through the first section of this series, in looking at verses that prophesy Jesus’ coming, His arrival, and His early life. Starting today, from Day 12-…
By Elizabeth Prata We’ve flowed through the first section of this series, in looking at verses that prophesy Jesus’ coming, His arrival, and His early life. Starting today, from Day 12-…
John 3:16 says God loves the world, but what does that look like? How does the heavenly sovereign demonstrate his unfailing, faithful love for his earthly realm?
By Elizabeth Prata We’ve flowed through the first section of this series, in looking at verses that prophesy Jesus’ coming, His arrival, and His early life. Starting today, from Day 12-…
Skip to content Here it is: the good news in a nutshell. Since the kingdom of God was Jesus’ core message, we’ve asked how John 3:16 would sound from his perspective. In this post we put it all together: the king rescuing his people: God loves his world. God’s love...
What do we mean by “God loves the world”? If Jesus made the kingdom of God the centre of everything, surely we can learn to hear Scripture as he did. This lens reframes everything, even familiar texts: John 3:16 (NIV) 16 For God so loved the world that he gave...