Questions to Develop a Personal Leadership Strategy - Ron Edmondson

Who are you as a leader?  Determining the type leader you are is often as important as the leadership you provide.  Every leader needs to understand his or her individual strengths and weaknesses, and the skills he or she has and does not have.  It is also important to understand the style of leadership you aspire to and what you expect of followers and would think they expect of you. 

The following are some questions to help you think through your own personal leadership strategy.

·         What type of leader are you going to be?  What is your definition of a team?  (See previous posts on this subject HERE and HERE.) 

·         What are you personal strengths and weaknesses? Are you willing to staff to your weaknesses?

·         Who is counting on you to lead them?  What are strengths and weaknesses do they bring to the team? How can you help them succeed? 

·         Are you more of a leader or a manager?  (See the difference.)

·         Where are you hoping to lead the organization?  What are your goals?  What do you want to accomplish?

·         How will you replace yourself?  Could the organization function without you?  (See previous post.)  Are you willing to invest in others?   (See this post.)

·         What will you do when everything is seemingly falling apart and everyone is looking to you?

·         Can you laugh at your mistakes?  Do you have a good sense of humor? (The best leaders need one.) 

·         If you had a leader like you, would you want to follow him or her?

·         Do you encourage creativity or would you prefer people follow your inspiration?  

Help me with this list.  What questions would you ask me to help me develop my personal leadership strategy?


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