Waiting on the Spirit... together.

​Comfort, shelter, renewal, love, mercy, healing, heavenly thoughts, gentle whispers, sweet kisses, waiting on the Spirit of the Bridegroom…  TOGETHER


Yesterday had some unexpected tasks so I didn’t write the blog as I normally do.  I am wrapping up a part-time position that required most of the day, then had some friends over to wait on and worship in God’s presence.  It was very good.  I’ve been missing (thirsting) for those times.

When I lived in Southern California, I had access to many options to wait on the Spirit together with the Lord’s people.  On Friday nights, I could go to a home where up to 20 young adults would gather just for the purpose to worship and pray.  At my small group, we set aside at least 30 minutes to worship and pray at the end of our time together.  On Sunday evenings, a pastor led a bible study; but made sure we opened each time in extended prayer and worship.  It wasn’t hurried.  We always waited on God and expected Him to reveal himself as we shared our heart with him.  There was a woman named Roma who came to the Sunday night group.  She was a senior who loved God; and clearly, knew Him quite intimately.  She modeled for me what it was like to wait, to listen, to boldly speak what God was laying on her heart.  So often what she said ministered very deeply to broken places within.  I miss gathering together with the body of Christ and waiting in an unhurried way, seeking His face with expectant hearts.

In last week’s blog, I mentioned that tomorrow is Pentecost on our calendar this year.  It was the appointed time Jesus set to pour out the promised power and person of the Spirit.

John 14: 15 “If you love me, keep my commands. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever–17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

The disciples obeyed the One they loved and waited together on the promised Holy Spirit.

Acts 2:1- When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.

Waiting together, believing together, praying together.  I thirst for this and am realizing I have been thirsting for it for a long time.  

Last night as we waited together, it left me wanting more.  There is nothing like a gathering filled with the Spirit’s presence! The time flew by! 2 hours of prayer and worship seemed insufficient. 


How do you develop your love relationship with God?  How are you repeating back to Him his words of life and pouring out blessing to the Savior?  King David was a warrior, a shepherd, a king, a mighty man of God.  He didn’t hold back his love, even in public settings, even in the rebuke of his wife, 2 Samuel 6:14 and 2 Samuel 6:20-23.  He was a man after God’s own heart. 

Individually, are we men and women after his heart? 

Corporately, do we freely express our love for him in public worship?  Are we willing to face loved ones rejection and reply as King David did, “I will celebrate before the LORD.”     Would we say that in the Body of Christ at large, we see a family culture that longs and thirsts for waiting in His presence?  Do we understand what that means?   God has put on my heart people simply don’t know what they don’t know.  If it has never been modeled for you, you probably do not understand.   
There is treasure in seeking Him.  Comfort, shelter, renewal, love, mercy, gentle whispers, sweet kisses, waiting on the Spirit of the Bridegroom.  Waiting together, we are knit together in love. 

Here is how last night looked for the 6 of us that gathered if you want to try it…

  1. Each had their bible to reference in anticipation of the Spirit putting a scripture on our heart.  Some had journals to make notes of what the LORD put on their heart.
  2. Have a computer device of some sort that plays a set of music.  I used my IPAD.
  3. A prepared list of worship songs.  I used Spotify and had a set of songs to play.
  4. We weaved back and forth between prayer and worship.   Example:   After a few songs passed, we took time to pray “You are the God who…”
  • In “popcorn” prayer, short prayers simply proclaiming who God is.

i.                                You are the God who sees me
ii.                               You  are the God who opens the eyes of the blind
iii.                              You are the God who alone is righteous and judges with fairness
iv.                              You are the God who forgave me
v.                               You are the God who healed me

     5.  Then I started a set of worship songs again.  After a few songs passed, we took time to pray again.  Example:  We took time to confess weaknesses, proclaiming that God’s spirit would rest on us (2 Corinthians 12:10)

  • Short, general prayers, admitting need and weakness

i.                                Lord I struggle with impatience
ii.                               Lord I struggle with pride
iii.                              Lord my mind is scattered, order my thoughts
iv.                              Lord I confess my thankfulness for your forgiveness
v.                               Lord I need to see more light, less darkness

     6.  Then started a set of worship songs again.  After a few songs passed, we took time to pray again. Example:  In step with the last song played, felt God wanting us to pray by name for those who need to know Him.

  1. Lord I think you are calling “xxx”, use me to speak to her
  2. Lord I see you working in the life of “xxxx”, show me how to love and share Jesus

7. We started worship again, and ended by praying for each other, praying for the person on our right.  We pronounced blessings on each other and asked for more of the Spirit in one another’s lives.  We carried one another into God’s arms.

I hope you consider a time like this.  Time in God’s presence transforms and renews.  Together is even better.  Love Him, our king is worth our time and heart.  

If you believe in the mission to inspire people to linger longer with Christ, consider becoming a monthly donor, consider a one time gift.  With the end of this last part-time position, I will be giving more time to the call and believing God for provision!  Read more about the call on the main blog page.  Click on the image for the article at the top of the page, written by Mike Bickle, the director of International House of Prayer.  Blessings and please feel free to share the blog!  

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