Shame Off You ~ 30 Days of Gratitude: Day 8 ~ AND ~ Shame Off You To Be Published in 2018!!! - Denise Pass

Shame Off You ~ 30 Days of Gratitude: Day 8

This week I have thought about the blessings I have taken for granted. When we believe in Him, seek Him and today I am thinking about when we call on Him – we will not be put to shame.

I had to laugh when I picked this picture and wording for today’s graphic – my first thought was “Ghostbusters”, lol.

But the world has lots of substitutes for us to call on in our pain and shame. None of them work.

I remember vividly a deep place of suffering when I did not even have the strength to cry out to God. I had to ask Him to help me cry out. Covered in shame for the mess my children and I were in, I begged God with the strength I could muster, to help us.

He did more than that, friends. He removed my shame! He can do that for you, too!

Who ya gonna call? JESUS!

Psalm 31:17 ESV “O Lord, let me not be put to shame, for I call upon you; let the wicked be put to shame; let them go silently to Sheol.”

I have been sitting on this news for a couple weeks!
Please pray for me as I prepare to move forward in the calling of God.

#GodIsAmazing #SheSpeaksGraduate #COMPELAbingdon Women Abingdon Press#ShameOffYou

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