5 Positive Changes for Your Life This Year - Melanie Redd

5 Positive Changes for Your Life This Year

A new year is just around the corner.

When it comes to the new year, many of us will have amazing plans about what we think we should be doing.

Often, we set resolutions at the start of a new year. We want to make positive changes in our lives – physically, spiritually, financially, relationally, and emotionally.

When it comes to the new year, many of us will have amazing plans about what we think we should be doing. Click To Tweet

5 Positive Changes for Your Life This Year

What can you do to have a positive lifestyle change on the horizon in the new year?

Here are 5 positive changes you can make in this year:

Here are 5 positive changes you can make in this year: Click To Tweet

First… Work on a more balanced approach to dieting.

One of the biggest resolutions that people have in the new year is to focus on their diet, and this can be a great way to kickstart a lifestyle change.

Instead, don’t focus on extreme diets that can end up causing more harm than good and are certainly not sustainable.

A different approach would be to have a more balanced diet where you eat all of the food groups and indulge in the good stuff. This means that you don’t have to sacrifice any specific foods.

We all overeat and indulge a little too much during the festive season, so this can be a great way to kick start things and feel better about yourself.

We all overeat and indulge a little too much during the festive season, so this can be a great way to kick start things and feel better about yourself. Click To Tweet

Second… Become more active.

Another option to consider would be to become more active.

You could look at joining a gym, which many people choose to do in the new year. There will be a lot of great sales and offers that you can take advantage of.

Alternatively, if heading to the gym is not your thing, then you could always look at becoming more active in your daily life.

This can include things such as walking daily, choosing the stairs instead of taking the elevator, or even walking instead of driving. You can also workout at home, it’s easy but if you never tried before find out how to start exercising at home.

You may even want to purchase a watch or a tool that will help you keep up with how many steps you take each day. This can encourage you to stay more active.

Indeed, making a choice to be more active each day can make a big difference to your lifestyle and how you feel.

Indeed, making a choice to be more active each day can make a big difference to your lifestyle and how you feel. Click To Tweet

Third… Work on your mindset and tackle any wrong thinking you may have.

Your mind is a powerful tool!

And,  you may not realize it, but you could be struggling with some wrong thinking that you may want to address in the new year.

It could be that you are struggling with feelings of anxiety and depression, where talking therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy could help. It might be that you have a negative mindset and therefore find that your thoughts are more negative than positive.

This could be changed with exercise but prayer and journaling where you focus on gratitude.

Actively focusing on your mindset on better things and right-thinking can make a big difference to your lifestyle.

Your mind is a powerful tool! Click To Tweet

5 Positive Changes for Your Life This Year

Fourth… Add prayer to your day.

Just begin taking time each day to talk to God.

He is always listening.

James 4:8 tells us, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to God.”

In this new year, why not press in a little closer to your Heavenly Father? He’d love to hear from you!

In this new year, why not press in a little closer to your Heavenly Father? He’d love to hear from you! Click To Tweet

Finally… Try some small changes.

Small changes can make a big difference in your lifestyle.

Things, like getting more sleep or drinking more water, can increase your energy levels. These activities can also improve your mood and make physical changes such as improving your skin tone and condition.

Implementing small changes is a great way to be able to stick to the resolutions you made so that you can build on progress.

Just start somewhere and try to develop a few new habits in this near year.

Small changes can make a big difference in your lifestyle. Click To Tweet

So, what do you think?

What changes will you make in this near year?

What positive suggestions do you have?

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