If you ____________, then you will be prosperous and successful…

What did you fill in the blank with?  January 25th at 8am EST is our next prayer and meditation session.  We will be meditating on the WORD of God with some reflection in our heart and mind on what God is saying to us through His Word.  Jesus as the WORD of God encompasses all of God’s promises!  He tells us to keep his words on our lips, to meditate upon them day and night, Joshua 1:8.  The outcome is that we shall be prosperous and successful!  There is the fill in the blank answer!

He tells us we do not live on bread alone; but on every word that proceeds from His mouth, Matthew 4:4.  Christ himself modeled responding with the Word of God when tempted and attacked by evil, Matthew 4: 4,7, 10).  Is His Word readily on your lips, hidden in our heart so that we do not sin against him?  Are we looking up with eyes that see the unseen, or focusing more on what we can see?  Are we low and surrendered or striving and exhausted?  Do you want to start 2020 with practicing hiding his Word within, looking up, and positioning low?   He will lift you up! 

If yes, join the WORD of God event on January 25th at 8am EST!  He will lead your soul to prosper!  He will grant you success as you invest in His WORD!  Click the button below to register for the session!    

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