April 1 Bible Reading Plan - Denise Pass

God never said life would be easy. But He did promise to go with us. We believe God yet worry how man will receive us. Jesus simply said, “go”. We tend to be man-centered and wonder why our calling is hard. Moses did, too. But God is sovereign over it all and using everything we go through to grow us and make us more like Him. God is far more concerned with our character than our comfort.

7-Fold One-Year Bible Reading Plan

Day #92: Exodus 1-4

Scripture of the Day: Exodus 3:14-15

Listen: https://www.biblegateway.com/audio/mclean/niv/Exod.1

Join me live at 8am ET: www.facebook.com/deniseduboispass

Bible Reading Plan: https://denisepass.com/bible-reading-plan/

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