Friend Friday- Prayer over you


Has your Christianity become far too independent and earthly grounded?  When is the last time you asked someone, "Will you pray for me?"  If you haven't asked for prayer or received prayer in the last 2 weeks, it's not a stretch to say, your faith is too earthly grounded.

Believers are to make up a house of prayer, Matthew 21:13.  We are to be interdependent upon each other and to pray for each other, Romans 15:30 & Colossians 1:9 & Ephesians 6:18.  Our agreement in prayer breaks strongholds, Matthew 18:19.  We are blessed when we pray for our friends, Job 42:10.  We receive what we ask for, 1 John 5:14.  There is promise of healing as we open up to each other and pray for each other, James 5:16.   

Are you positioning to receive these promises?  Do you believe in the power of praying together?

If we are honest, this is a very challenging question, and is answered in the frequency in which we do it.  Just like if I were to ask, "Do you believe in working out to maintain physical health?"  Your conviction is answered in the frequency in which you do it.  Same with prayer.

Give yourself a challenge to ask another Christian to pray for you over the next several days.  And for another prayer covering over you, please listen in to today's podcast, episode #313.  You can also scan through other Friend Friday's to find even more episodes of prayer covering over you.  This is not a substitute for others praying over you in person, but it is an additional resource of supernatural protection and power that is so important to your walk of faith!  Take 6 minutes today and receive prayer covering through Peace Be Still Daily Prayer Download!

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