Jesus' simple prayer instruction & FB live video...

Script from today’s podcast, episode 496-  To listen 👂🏽, access here on Apple Podcasts.

Honest hearts and open hands to receive are the basics of a healthy and thriving prayer life.  Let’s position that way before God today…

Hello and welcome to Peace Be Still!  Our interactive prayer and meditation exercises help you linger longer with God for peace and power.  Exercises are based upon God’s Word and promises!  I’m your host Gina Williamson and today being Friend Friday, we press in for His presence and His person for peace.

Jesus gives us some clear and simple direction on how to have a good relationship with God.  He tells the woman at the well in John 4, that true worshipers worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, that God seeks those type of worshipers.  He said it was imperative to worship this way, repeating himself in verses 24.  ‘God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirt and truth.” 

The woman at the well didn’t realize who she was talking to and she approached her conversation with Jesus by taking on some areas of seemingly religious bitterness brewing in her heart.  Please reference her replies in John 4:9,12. 

Jesus turns the tables on her though and takes the conversation to one of personal revelation.  He told her that she has had 5 husbands and the man she now had was not her husband.  Jesus wanted honest heart dialogue about the real issues that brought her shame. 

And after giving her living water of personal revelation, He is clear that if anyone would be a worshiper of God, they must worship in the Spirit and in truth.  His Spirit at work in us to reveal heart issues.  We must admit and confess so we can then be forgiven, sanctified, and transformed. 

What might you be embarrassed to confess in front of Jesus?  The woman at the well was hiding her deepest area of sin and shame from Jesus, but He called it out and then invited her to drink from him in a way that satisfied her deepest soul thirst.  That invitation is also for you today. 

Let’s pray. 

“Lord you are sovereign over all things.  There is nothing we can hide from you.  You know our thoughts before they are on our lips.  We cannot hide our choices, thoughts, or feelings.  What do you want us to examine in your presence today?  Holy Spirit, with the tender touch of God, will you reveal truth to this one?  In agreement, say yes God, reveal truth.


What thoughts are coming to mind?  Do you need to relieve your heart of burden in any area?  Simply admit to God what needs to be confessed.

(Take time to do this.)

Lord your grace is sufficient for us.  Your power is made perfect in our weakness.  Thank you for cleansing and freeing this one of burden, shame, and trouble within.  Thank you for your grace and relieving our soul of guilt.  Let this one feel your presence, your favor, your love, your Spirit breathing new life into their soul. 

Now spend time on your own, enjoying His presence.  “Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus…”

The video above is of today’s Friend Friday LIVE prayer time in our Peace Be Still Daily Prayer Download private group.  If you’d like to join the group, please visit FB, search for the group by name, and ask to join!  Today’s broadcast was about 5 minutes of context for set up in praying, and then I lead you in the prayer time that lasts about 10 minutes!

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