The Mark of God

The Mark of God

 By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

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Genesis 4:16 KJV - And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD,

Genesis 4 vs 16

  1. There is a divine mark that God puts on his children.
  2. It is known as the mark of God.
  3. The blood of Jesus inscribes the mark.
  4. God’s mark is spiritual protection from assassins, kidnappers, and terrorists.
  5. The mark of God is a spiritual assurance.
  6. The mark of God provokes angelic guidance.
  7. The mark of God brings a divine edge.


  • I receive the mark of God on myself and my household
  • Blood of Jesus mark me now
  • Angel of God that marked Cain for mercy mark me now in Jesus’ name
  • Heavens mark me favour in Jesus’ name

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