Sexual purity: It’s importance to Christian youth

Sexual purity is very important to Christians.
Some Christians believe that we should keep sexually pure until marriage. Image: Vince Fleming|Unsplash

We know that sexual purity is waiting until marriage. The Bible clarifies that sexual intimacy between married partners is a gift from God. 

However, it emphasizes the importance of being sexually pure within the confines of marriage.

With that, there are questions about whether Christian youth should maintain their sexual purity. 

But when the topic is discussed in conversation, Christian families sometimes try to figure out what to say.

What is sexual purity?

Abstinence from sexual activity before marriage is crucial to sexual purity, although it focuses on much more than self-control. To be sexually pure is to give one’s entire sexual life to God’s control.

If your teens take kissing and hugging to a deeper level, they may cross a line into a sexual relationship. That is inappropriate outside of marriage for Christians. 

For Focus on the Family, the concept of purity, at its foundation, presents our youth with a choice. Sexual purity discussions portray sex as an either/or proposition rather than God’s beautiful gift to his creation. 

“Sexual wholeness,” rather than sexual purity, can help your teenager grow into a mature Christian.

Why is sexual purity so crucial to Christian youth?

Many churchgoers heard that God prefers His children keep their sexuality pure until marriage. As a society, we view extramarital sex and sexual addiction as a “sin.”

Most of us would probably say something like this if asked to describe the Christian position on sexuality and marriage.

This article will explain why Christian youth should maintain sexual purity until marriage. 

Sexually pure teens tend to be happier

Compared to others, sexually active teens are more likely to be unhappy, depressed, and even attempt suicide. 

Whole Life says that teenagers who engage in sex at a young age suffer emotional stress and less overall enjoyment.

Image: Patrick Buck|Unsplash

Sexual purity is essential in Christian marriages

Premarital sex has lasting effects on a marriage. They found that marriage quality decreased for men and women with sexual partners outside their spouses.

A woman’s view of marriage satisfaction decreases proportionately to the number of sexual partners she had before marriage.

Being pure gives relationship stability, satisfaction

People who save intimacy for marriage tend to have happier marriages. 

Per Whole Life, married couples have better communication, a more satisfying sexual relationship, and a more stable marriage.

Living as a sexually pure

For Scot Chadwick, purity can be thought of as “freedom from contamination,” much like how “clean” essentially means “not dirty.” Purity refers to your actions and character. 

This should be reflected in who you are and how you act, especially by yourself.

But how do we live being sexually pure?

We desire to please God

We hope to please Him by fearing God, praising, following, cherishing, and loving Him.

We know that Jesus Christ sacrificed for us by dying on the cross. As a redeemed child of God, your ability to live a holy life improves the more you cooperate with the Holy Spirit.

We want to live free from any problems

To prove that we are trustworthy, we always act openly and honestly. 

We want to live a life that is free from impurity and compromise. Because we value purity, we avoid vices that influence us.

We have options to choose

Being sexually pure is a choice that only you can make. You have the option of accepting God’s design for sexual intimacy inside marriage or rejecting it. It is up to us!

Don’t let peer pressure from your religion or youth group influence your decision to stay sexually pure. You will come to deeply regret your decision if you make it out of concern that people at church will judge you.

Believe that you are worth the wait

You must have a God-honoring perspective of yourself. You must have faith that your efforts are worthwhile. 

You are worth the wait! 

So, tell yourself that you are even if the person you see dumps you because you won’t give in sexually. 

Student Devos suggests resisting sexual temptation. One must firmly think they are valuable in and of themselves. You must believe that your sexual attractiveness is well worth the time and effort.

Being sexually pure is a choice that can only be successful if made for the right reasons. Sexual purity is a choice you make based on your values and goals. 

You can’t just do it because everyone else in your youth group or your friends will be happy. 

Guide your teens to be sexually pure

Teenagers are interested in what adults have to say. But they do not want them to control everything. 

Planning for potential challenges can help them make the best decision under pressure. Simple tools like a packed schedule can go a long way toward helping you raise a sexually responsible teenager. 

Teens can make friends and hone their skills by participating in activities like team sports, the arts, and part-time work.

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Kathleen Orenza

My faith in the Christian Church has been an integral part of who I am. From a young age, I was taught the significance of the sacraments, the beauty of prayer, and the guiding principles of love and compassion. Through the years, my faith matured, and I sought deeper connections with my beliefs. With Crossmap, it has reinforced my devotion to the Christian faith and allowed me to play a small role in spreading the love and teachings of Christ in the digital age.