Two options: heaven, or hell
By Elizabeth Prata It is pretty simple. There are only two options, accept the Lord’s offer of pardon for sins by repenting and gain heaven, or refuse it and gain hell and eternal judgment. S…
By Elizabeth Prata It is pretty simple. There are only two options, accept the Lord’s offer of pardon for sins by repenting and gain heaven, or refuse it and gain hell and eternal judgment. S…
Check out the So We Speak podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.What has shifted? What has changed in the deconstruction movement?Deconstruction is part of a cultural movement that is growing more violent. Perhaps what has accelerated this deconstruction is the fall of well-known pastors. The thought process can go like this: “This person is not who we thought they were so maybe Christianity is not what it’s talked up to be.” There is an article published by Mere Orthodoxy titled “Observations on
You will learn how to find spiritual guidance in this post. Finding and staying under the right spiritual leaders or teachers play a very important role in your spiritual development. You are not to toy with this. How to find spiritual guidance: Who is your teacher? Who is your leader? Who is your teacher? […]
We like the rugged individual. The guy who stands on his own two feet. The woman who grew a successful business by working hard. It’s what made America great, right? America is the land of opportun…
In the previous post attention was given to the necessity of the filling of the Spirit if our witnessing is to be effective. But I knew, even as I wrote, that there is much confusion on this point. The messaging has been a mess.In his book, Sodom Had No Bible,...
After centuries of covenant-making and covenant-breaking, it was declared through the pen of the prophet that God would solve this problem by giving man a new spirit.Indeed, it would be this spirit that would make all the difference!The Lord said, “I will put My spirit within you and cause you...
Double-minded people behave like Christians when they are around mature Christians they want to impress or fool. However, when they are with immature Christians or non-Christians, the performance e…
Pastor Greg Laurie shares some principles that will help you to grow spiritually and be successful in your walk with Jesus Christ.
By Elizabeth Prata The Bible is disgusted by false teaching and is strong on pure doctrine. Why? The consequences of error are dire. Scottish Divine James Durham said, “Error destroys the sou…
Check out the So We Speak podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.This podcast covers Lewis’s most popular work Mere Christianity. This work originally began with independent broadcasts by Lewis over the BBC as a way for people to think and talk about religion. The network was skeptical it would ever gain traction and was concerned it might do more harm than good. They were proven wrong and eventually the broadcast got moved to more popular timeslots. Lewis’ broadcasts were eventually put into boo
THE CHARACTER OF GOD: God does not like quiet Christians By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: Isaiah…
Christianity gives a second chance. Because we don't always get it right the first time. So God gives us all a do over.
I walked out of my office and into the church parking lot recently just as an older couple was pulling in to visit our church bookstore. As the husband rolled down the window, I recognized him as t…
Diving deep into how Christianity isn't just an addition to life but its core with Shawn McKay. Discussing faith, grace, and living as true ambassadors of Christ.
I don’t know of a more outspoken atheist than Richard Dawkins. Although he was a part of the Church of England as a child, his fascination with science and in particular, evolutionary biology led h…
I recently heard a pastor commented in his preaching that "Christianity is easy", and the context of his message was about the believer's call to holiness. Frankly, whenever I hear this lie proclaimed behind the pulpit, my gut churns protesting; 'show me where in the Bible does it say that...
A figure appears in the silent evening light, floating on the agitated waves of the Sea of Galilee. It's not just any figure, though. It is Jesus, gracefully floating on the water and above the natural laws. For centuries, believers have been enthralled with this captivating scene from the Bible.However,...
"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" -John 14:6Truth is the cornerstone of faith in the Christian realm. When we look at the question, "Are teachers agents of truth?" we find that educators have a great...
"Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the...
Family is invaluable. It is where we develop our capacity for love and caring. However, there are instances when family ties seem fragile and could snap at any time. But there is still hope. Our familial ties can become unbreakable and resilient through Christ, able to weather any storm.Strengthening family...