10 Questions with Leader Richard Westley Johnson - Heritage Christian Church - Ron Edmondson

Richard Westley Johnson is a Local Mission Pastor at Heritage Christian Church. Richard describes his role as being ”responsible for connecting the suburban church with practical and meaningful serving opportunities with the marginalized in our city.” I love the sound of that position.  He’s helping the church be the church.  You can follow Richard on Twitter HERE.

Here are 10 questions with Richard Westley Johnson:

When you were growing up, are you doing what you thought you would be doing vocationally? If not, what did you want to do?

I never wanted to be a pastor because my dad was a pastor, bi-vocational actually, and it just seemed to be a hard life. I went to college to become a chemical engineer.

What’s the most different job you’ve had from what you are doing now and how did that job help you with what you are doing now?

I was Chuck-E-Cheese…the rat in the suit…or rather, the guy in the rat suit. I am still wondering how that helps me with shepherding others.

Who is one person, besides Christ, who most helped to shape your leadership and how did they help you?

My father, the pastor, took me everywhere with him pray for others, preach revivals, sing in groups, bail troubled teens out of juvenile detention, fight for his marriage, encourage his children. My dad was an awesome example I hope to be for my children and brothers on the journey of life.

Besides the Bible, what is one book that has most helped to shape your thought process in life and ministry?

The Journey to Success by John Maxwell…led me to pursue my dream and clarify my calling.

What are three words other people would use to describe your work style/ethic?

Relaxed, Empowering, Collaborative

What is your greatest strength in leadership?

Communication, vision-casting, releasing others

What is your greatest weakness in leadership?

Practical steps, slow decision-making,

What is the hardest thing you have to do in leadership?

Let go of a staff report that I did not agree should be let go.

What is one misconception about your leadership position you think people may have?

My desire for inclusion of others is a mask for insecurity to be an independent leader.

If you could give one piece of advice to young leaders from what you’ve learned by experience, what would it be?

1 Peter 5:6 “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God that he may lift you up in due time.” The time I’ve spent under senior leadership has prepared me for where God led me next and at the right season of my life and career God opened the door of opportunity for me. Wherever you are, stay humble.

I love Richard’s heart.  Reading his answers makes me think he is a great PK (pastor’s kid). What has your experience been as or with pastor’s children?

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